iText 8.0.5 API
iText.IO.Source Namespace Reference


class   ByteArrayOutputStream
class   ByteBuffer
class   ByteUtils
class   DeflaterOutputStream
class   GetBufferedRandomAccessSource
class   IndependentRandomAccessSource
  A RandomAccessSource that is wraps another RandomAccessSource but does not propagate close(). More...
interface   IRandomAccessSource
  Represents an abstract source that bytes can be read from. More...
class   OutputStream
class   PdfTokenizer
class   RandomAccessFileOrArray
  Class that is used to unify reading from random access files and arrays. More...
class   RandomAccessSourceFactory
  Factory to create RandomAccessSource objects based on various types of sources More...
class   RASInputStream
  An input stream that uses a RandomAccessSource as its underlying source. More...
class   ThreadSafeRandomAccessSource
class   WindowRandomAccessSource
  A RandomAccessSource that wraps another RandomAccessSource and provides a window of it at a specific offset and over a specific length. More...


  SourceEntry (int index, IRandomAccessSource source, long offset)
  Standard constructor More...
virtual long  OffsetN (long absoluteOffset)
  Given an absolute offset (in the GroupedRandomAccessSource coordinates), calculate the effective offset in the underlying source More...

Function Documentation

◆ OffsetN()

virtual long iText.IO.Source.OffsetN ( long  absoluteOffset )

Given an absolute offset (in the GroupedRandomAccessSource coordinates), calculate the effective offset in the underlying source

absoluteOffset the offset in the parent GroupedRandomAccessSource
the effective offset in the underlying source

◆ SourceEntry()

iText.IO.Source.SourceEntry ( int  index,
IRandomAccessSource  source,
long  offset 

Standard constructor

index the index
source the source
offset the offset of the source in the GroupedRandomAccessSource