iText 8.0.5 API
iText.Layout.Renderer.ILeafElementRenderer Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for iText.Layout.Renderer.ILeafElementRenderer:
iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer iText.Layout.IPropertyContainer iText.Layout.Renderer.ImageRenderer iText.Layout.Renderer.TextRenderer iText.Svg.Renderers.SvgImageRenderer iText.Layout.Renderer.LinkRenderer

Public Member Functions

float  GetAscent ()
  Gets the maximum offset above the base line that this ILeafElementRenderer extends to. More...
float  GetDescent ()
  Gets the maximum offset below the base line that this ILeafElementRenderer extends to. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer
void  AddChild (IRenderer renderer)
  Adds a child to the current renderer More...
LayoutResult  Layout (LayoutContext layoutContext)
  This method simulates positioning of the renderer, including all of its children, and returns the iText.Layout.Layout.LayoutResult , representing the layout result, including occupied area, status, i.e. if there was enough place to fit the renderer subtree, etc. More...
void  Draw (DrawContext drawContext)
  Flushes the renderer subtree contents, i.e. draws itself on canvas, adds necessary objects to the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument etc. More...
LayoutArea  GetOccupiedArea ()
  Gets the resultant occupied area after the last call to the Layout(iText.Layout.Layout.LayoutContext) method. More...
T1  GetProperty< T1 > (int property, T1 defaultValue)
  Gets a property from this entity or one of its hierarchical parents. More...
IRenderer  SetParent (IRenderer parent)
  Explicitly sets this object as the child of another IRenderer in the renderer hierarchy. More...
IRenderer  GetParent ()
  Gets the parent IRenderer. More...
IPropertyContainer  GetModelElement ()
  Gets the model element associated with this renderer. More...
IList< IRenderer GetChildRenderers ()
  Gets the child IRenderer s. More...
bool  IsFlushed ()
  Indicates whether this renderer is flushed or not, i.e. if Draw(DrawContext) has already been called. More...
void  Move (float dx, float dy)
  Moves the renderer subtree by the specified offset. More...
IRenderer  GetNextRenderer ()
  Gets a new instance of this class to be used as a next renderer, after this renderer is used, if Layout(iText.Layout.Layout.LayoutContext) is called more than once. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from iText.Layout.IPropertyContainer
bool  HasProperty (int property)
  Checks if this entity has the specified property. More...
bool  HasOwnProperty (int property)
  Checks if this entity has the specified property, i.e. if it was set to this very element earlier More...
T1  GetProperty< T1 > (int property)
  Gets the property from this entity. More...
T1  GetOwnProperty< T1 > (int property)
  Gets own property from this entity. More...
T1  GetDefaultProperty< T1 > (int property)
  Gets the default property from this entity. More...
void  SetProperty (int property, Object value)
  Sets a property for this entity. More...
void  DeleteOwnProperty (int property)
  Deletes the own property of this entity. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetAscent()

float iText.Layout.Renderer.ILeafElementRenderer.GetAscent ( )

Gets the maximum offset above the base line that this ILeafElementRenderer extends to.

the upwards vertical offset of this ILeafElementRenderer

Implemented in iText.Layout.Renderer.TextRenderer, and iText.Layout.Renderer.ImageRenderer.

◆ GetDescent()

float iText.Layout.Renderer.ILeafElementRenderer.GetDescent ( )

Gets the maximum offset below the base line that this ILeafElementRenderer extends to.

the downwards vertical offset of this ILeafElementRenderer

Implemented in iText.Layout.Renderer.TextRenderer, and iText.Layout.Renderer.ImageRenderer.