iText 8.0.5 API
iText.Layout.Font.Selectorstrategy.IFontSelectorStrategy Interface Reference

The font selector strategy is responsible for splitting text into parts with one particular font. More...

Inheritance diagram for iText.Layout.Font.Selectorstrategy.IFontSelectorStrategy:
iText.Layout.Font.Selectorstrategy.AbstractFontSelectorStrategy iText.Layout.Font.Selectorstrategy.BestMatchFontSelectorStrategy iText.Layout.Font.Selectorstrategy.FirstMatchFontSelectorStrategy

Public Member Functions

IList< Tuple2< GlyphLine, PdfFont > >  GetGlyphLines (String text)
  Converts text into glyphs with the best matching font. More...

Detailed Description

The font selector strategy is responsible for splitting text into parts with one particular font.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetGlyphLines()

IList<Tuple2<GlyphLine, PdfFont> > iText.Layout.Font.Selectorstrategy.IFontSelectorStrategy.GetGlyphLines ( String  text )

Converts text into glyphs with the best matching font.

text the text to split
the glyphs with the matching font attached

Implemented in iText.Layout.Font.Selectorstrategy.AbstractFontSelectorStrategy.