iText 8.0.5 API
This class is used for convenient multi-column Document Layouting More...
Public Member Functions |
ColumnDocumentRenderer (Document document, Rectangle[] columns) | |
Creates a ColumnDocumentRenderer. More... |
ColumnDocumentRenderer (Document document, bool immediateFlush, Rectangle[] columns) | |
Creates a ColumnDocumentRenderer whose elements need not be flushed immediately. More... |
virtual int | GetNextAreaNumber () |
Gets the array index of the next area that will be written on after the current one is full (overflowed). More... |
override IRenderer | GetNextRenderer () |
Gets a new instance of this class to be used as a next renderer, after this renderer is used, if Layout(iText.Layout.Layout.LayoutContext) is called more than once. More... |
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DocumentRenderer (Document document) | |
DocumentRenderer (Document document, bool immediateFlush) | |
virtual TargetCounterHandler | GetTargetCounterHandler () |
Get handler for target-counters. More... |
virtual bool | IsRelayoutRequired () |
Indicates if relayout is required for targetCounterHandler. More... |
override LayoutArea | GetOccupiedArea () |
Gets the resultant occupied area after the last call to the Layout(iText.Layout.Layout.LayoutContext) method. More... |
override IRenderer | GetNextRenderer () |
For DocumentRenderer , this has a meaning of the renderer that will be used for relayout. More... |
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override void | AddChild (IRenderer renderer) |
Adds a child to the current renderer More... |
virtual void | Flush () |
Draws (flushes) the content. More... |
virtual void | Close () |
This method correctly closes the RootRenderer instance. More... |
override LayoutResult | Layout (LayoutContext layoutContext) |
This method simulates positioning of the renderer, including all of its children, and returns the iText.Layout.Layout.LayoutResult , representing the layout result, including occupied area, status, i.e. if there was enough place to fit the renderer subtree, etc. More... |
virtual LayoutArea | GetCurrentArea () |
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virtual IPropertyContainer | GetModelElement () |
Gets the model element associated with this renderer. More... |
virtual IList< IRenderer > | GetChildRenderers () |
Gets the child IRenderer s. More... |
virtual bool | HasProperty (int property) |
Checks if this entity has the specified property. More... |
virtual bool | HasOwnProperty (int property) |
Checks if this entity has the specified property, i.e. if it was set to this very element earlier More... |
virtual bool | HasOwnOrModelProperty (int property) |
Checks if this renderer or its model element have the specified property, i.e. if it was set to this very element or its very model element earlier. More... |
virtual void | DeleteOwnProperty (int property) |
Deletes the own property of this entity. More... |
virtual void | DeleteProperty (int property) |
Deletes property from this very renderer, or in case the property is specified on its model element, the property of the model element is deleted More... |
virtual T1 | GetProperty< T1 > (int key) |
Gets the property from this entity. More... |
virtual T1 | GetOwnProperty< T1 > (int property) |
Gets own property from this entity. More... |
virtual T1 | GetProperty< T1 > (int property, T1 defaultValue) |
Gets a property from this entity or one of its hierarchical parents. More... |
virtual void | SetProperty (int property, Object value) |
Sets a property for this entity. More... |
virtual T1 | GetDefaultProperty< T1 > (int property) |
Gets the default property from this entity. More... |
virtual PdfFont | GetPropertyAsFont (int property) |
Returns a property with a certain key, as a font object. More... |
virtual Color | GetPropertyAsColor (int property) |
Returns a property with a certain key, as a color. More... |
virtual TransparentColor | GetPropertyAsTransparentColor (int property) |
Returns a property with a certain key, as a iText.Layout.Properties.TransparentColor. More... |
virtual ? float | GetPropertyAsFloat (int property) |
Returns a property with a certain key, as a floating point value. More... |
virtual ? float | GetPropertyAsFloat (int property, float? defaultValue) |
Returns a property with a certain key, as a floating point value. More... |
virtual ? bool | GetPropertyAsBoolean (int property) |
Returns a property with a certain key, as a boolean value. More... |
virtual UnitValue | GetPropertyAsUnitValue (int property) |
Returns a property with a certain key, as a unit value. More... |
virtual ? int | GetPropertyAsInteger (int property) |
Returns a property with a certain key, as an integer value. More... |
override String | ToString () |
Returns a string representation of the renderer. More... |
virtual void | Draw (DrawContext drawContext) |
Flushes the renderer subtree contents, i.e. draws itself on canvas, adds necessary objects to the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument etc. More... |
virtual void | DrawBackground (DrawContext drawContext) |
Draws a background layer if it is defined by a key iText.Layout.Properties.Property.BACKGROUND in either the layout element or this IRenderer itself. More... |
virtual void | DrawChildren (DrawContext drawContext) |
Performs the drawing operation for all children of this renderer. More... |
virtual void | DrawBorder (DrawContext drawContext) |
Performs the drawing operation for the border of this renderer, if defined by any of the iText.Layout.Properties.Property.BORDER values in either the layout element or this IRenderer itself. More... |
virtual bool | IsFlushed () |
Indicates whether this renderer is flushed or not, i.e. if Draw(DrawContext) has already been called. More... |
virtual IRenderer | SetParent (IRenderer parent) |
Explicitly sets this object as the child of another IRenderer in the renderer hierarchy. More... |
virtual IRenderer | GetParent () |
Gets the parent IRenderer. More... |
virtual void | Move (float dxRight, float dyUp) |
Moves the renderer subtree by the specified offset. More... |
virtual IList< Rectangle > | InitElementAreas (LayoutArea area) |
Gets all rectangles that this IRenderer can draw upon in the given area. More... |
virtual Rectangle | GetOccupiedAreaBBox () |
Gets the bounding box that contains all content written to the DrawContext by this IRenderer. More... |
virtual Rectangle | GetBorderAreaBBox () |
Gets the border box of a renderer. More... |
virtual Rectangle | GetInnerAreaBBox () |
virtual Rectangle | ApplyMargins (Rectangle rect, bool reverse) |
Applies margins of the renderer on the given rectangle More... |
virtual Rectangle | ApplyBorderBox (Rectangle rect, bool reverse) |
Applies the border box of the renderer on the given rectangle If the border of a certain side is null, the side will remain as it was. More... |
virtual Rectangle | ApplyPaddings (Rectangle rect, bool reverse) |
Applies paddings of the renderer on the given rectangle More... |
virtual bool | IsFirstOnRootArea () |
virtual MinMaxWidth | GetMinMaxWidth () |
Calculates min and max width values for current renderer. More... |
Package Functions |
override LayoutArea | UpdateCurrentArea (LayoutResult overflowResult) |
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override LayoutArea | UpdateCurrentArea (LayoutResult overflowResult) |
override void | FlushSingleRenderer (IRenderer resultRenderer) |
virtual PageSize | AddNewPage (PageSize customPageSize) |
Adds new page with defined page size to PDF document. More... |
virtual PageSize | EnsureDocumentHasNPages (int n, PageSize customPageSize) |
Ensures that PDF document has n pages. More... |
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virtual void | ShrinkCurrentAreaAndProcessRenderer (IRenderer renderer, IList< IRenderer > resultRenderers, LayoutResult result) |
virtual void | FlushWaitingDrawingElements () |
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AbstractRenderer () | |
Creates a renderer. More... |
AbstractRenderer (IElement modelElement) | |
Creates a renderer for the specified layout element. More... |
AbstractRenderer (iText.Layout.Renderer.AbstractRenderer other) | |
Creates a new renderer based on an instance of another renderer. More... |
virtual void | BeginElementOpacityApplying (DrawContext drawContext) |
Apply Property.OPACITY property if specified by setting corresponding values in graphic state dictionary opacity will be applied to all elements drawn after calling this method and before calling EndElementOpacityApplying(DrawContext) ()}. More... |
virtual void | EndElementOpacityApplying (DrawContext drawContext) |
BeginElementOpacityApplying(DrawContext). More... |
virtual Rectangle | GetBackgroundArea (Rectangle occupiedAreaWithMargins) |
Evaluate the actual background More... |
virtual bool | ClipBorderArea (DrawContext drawContext, Rectangle outerBorderBox) |
virtual bool | ClipBackgroundArea (DrawContext drawContext, Rectangle outerBorderBox) |
virtual bool | ClipBackgroundArea (DrawContext drawContext, Rectangle outerBorderBox, bool considerBordersBeforeClipping) |
virtual void | ApplyDestinationsAndAnnotation (DrawContext drawContext) |
virtual bool | IsOverflowProperty (OverflowPropertyValue? equalsTo, int overflowProperty) |
virtual ? float | RetrieveWidth (float parentBoxWidth) |
Retrieves element's fixed content box width, if it's set. More... |
virtual ? float | RetrieveMaxWidth (float parentBoxWidth) |
Retrieves element's fixed content box max width, if it's set. More... |
virtual ? float | RetrieveMinWidth (float parentBoxWidth) |
Retrieves element's fixed content box max width, if it's set. More... |
virtual void | UpdateWidth (UnitValue updatedWidthValue) |
Updates fixed content box width value for this renderer. More... |
virtual ? float | RetrieveHeight () |
Retrieves the element's fixed content box height, if it's set. More... |
virtual void | UpdateHeight (UnitValue updatedHeight) |
Updates fixed content box height value for this renderer. More... |
virtual ? float | RetrieveMaxHeight () |
Retrieve element's content box max-ehight, if it's set. More... |
virtual void | UpdateMaxHeight (UnitValue updatedMaxHeight) |
Updates content box max-height value for this renderer. More... |
virtual ? float | RetrieveMinHeight () |
Retrieves element's content box min-height, if it's set. More... |
virtual void | UpdateMinHeight (UnitValue updatedMinHeight) |
Updates content box min-height value for this renderer. More... |
virtual ? float | RetrieveUnitValue (float baseValue, int property) |
virtual ? float | RetrieveUnitValue (float baseValue, int property, bool pointOnly) |
virtual IDictionary< int, Object > | GetOwnProperties () |
virtual void | AddAllProperties (IDictionary< int, Object > properties) |
virtual ? float | GetFirstYLineRecursively () |
Gets the first yLine of the nested children recursively. More... |
virtual ? float | GetLastYLineRecursively () |
virtual bool | AllowLastYLineRecursiveExtraction () |
virtual Rectangle | ApplyMargins (Rectangle rect, UnitValue[] margins, bool reverse) |
Applies given margins on the given rectangle More... |
virtual UnitValue[] | GetMargins () |
Returns margins of the renderer [0] - top; [1] - right; [2] - bottom; [3] - left More... |
virtual UnitValue[] | GetPaddings () |
Returns paddings of the renderer [0] - top; [1] - right; [2] - bottom; [3] - left More... |
virtual Rectangle | ApplyPaddings (Rectangle rect, UnitValue[] paddings, bool reverse) |
Applies given paddings to the given rectangle. More... |
virtual Rectangle | ApplyBorderBox (Rectangle rect, Border[] borders, bool reverse) |
Applies the given border box (borders) on the given rectangle More... |
virtual void | ApplyAbsolutePosition (Rectangle parentRect) |
virtual void | ApplyRelativePositioningTranslation (bool reverse) |
virtual void | ApplyDestination (PdfDocument document) |
virtual void | ApplyAction (PdfDocument document) |
virtual void | ApplyLinkAnnotation (PdfDocument document) |
virtual void | UpdateHeightsOnSplit (bool wasHeightClipped, iText.Layout.Renderer.AbstractRenderer splitRenderer, iText.Layout.Renderer.AbstractRenderer overflowRenderer) |
virtual bool | SetMinMaxWidthBasedOnFixedWidth (MinMaxWidth minMaxWidth) |
virtual bool | IsNotFittingHeight (LayoutArea layoutArea) |
virtual bool | IsNotFittingWidth (LayoutArea layoutArea) |
virtual bool | IsNotFittingLayoutArea (LayoutArea layoutArea) |
virtual bool | IsPositioned () |
Indicates whether the renderer's position is fixed or not. More... |
virtual bool | IsFixedLayout () |
Indicates whether the renderer's position is fixed or not. More... |
virtual bool | IsStaticLayout () |
virtual bool | IsRelativePosition () |
virtual bool | IsAbsolutePosition () |
virtual bool | IsKeepTogether () |
virtual void | AlignChildHorizontally (IRenderer childRenderer, Rectangle currentArea) |
virtual Border[] | GetBorders () |
Gets borders of the element in the specified order: top, right, bottom, left. More... |
virtual BorderRadius[] | GetBorderRadii () |
Gets border radii of the element in the specified order: top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. More... |
virtual iText.Layout.Renderer.AbstractRenderer | SetBorders (Border border, int borderNumber) |
virtual Rectangle | CalculateAbsolutePdfBBox () |
Calculates the bounding box of the content in the coordinate system of the pdf entity on which content is placed, e.g. document page or form xObject. More... |
virtual Rectangle | CalculateBBox (IList< Point > points) |
Calculates bounding box around points. More... |
virtual IList< Point > | RectangleToPointsList (Rectangle rect) |
virtual IList< Point > | TransformPoints (IList< Point > points, AffineTransform transform) |
virtual float[] | CalculateShiftToPositionBBoxOfPointsAt (float left, float top, IList< Point > points) |
This method calculates the shift needed to be applied to the points in order to position upper and left borders of their bounding box at the given lines. More... |
virtual bool | HasAbsoluteUnitValue (int property) |
Check if corresponding property has point value. More... |
virtual bool | HasRelativeUnitValue (int property) |
Check if corresponding property has relative value. More... |
virtual void | BeginTransformationIfApplied (PdfCanvas canvas) |
virtual void | EndTransformationIfApplied (PdfCanvas canvas) |
Package Attributes |
Rectangle[] | columns |
int | nextAreaNumber |
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Document | document |
IList< int > | wrappedContentPage = new List |
TargetCounterHandler | targetCounterHandler = new TargetCounterHandler() |
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bool | immediateFlush = true |
RootLayoutArea | currentArea |
IList< IRenderer > | waitingDrawingElements = new List<IRenderer>() |
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IList< IRenderer > | childRenderers = new List<IRenderer>() |
IList< IRenderer > | positionedRenderers = new List<IRenderer>() |
IPropertyContainer | modelElement |
bool | flushed = false |
LayoutArea | occupiedArea |
IRenderer | parent |
IDictionary< int, Object > | properties = new Dictionary |
bool | isLastRendererForModelElement = true |
Additional Inherited Members |
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static PdfFormXObject | CreateXObject (AbstractLinearGradientBuilder linearGradientBuilder, Rectangle xObjectArea, PdfDocument document) |
Create a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfFormXObject with the given area and containing a linear gradient inside. More... |
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const float | OVERLAP_EPSILON = 1e-4f |
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static bool | IsBorderBoxSizing (IRenderer renderer) |
static bool | IsOverflowProperty (OverflowPropertyValue? equalsTo, IRenderer renderer, int overflowProperty) |
static bool | IsOverflowProperty (OverflowPropertyValue? equalsTo, OverflowPropertyValue? rendererOverflowProperty) |
static bool | IsOverflowFit (OverflowPropertyValue? rendererOverflowProperty) |
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const float | EPS = 1e-4f |
The maximum difference between iText.Kernel.Geom.Rectangle coordinates to consider rectangles equal More... |
const float | INF = 1e6f |
The infinity value which is used while layouting More... |
This class is used for convenient multi-column Document Layouting
inline |
Creates a ColumnDocumentRenderer.
Creates a ColumnDocumentRenderer. Sets iText.Layout.Renderer.RootRenderer.immediateFlush to true.
document | the Document on which this Renderer will calculate and execute element placements |
columns | an array of iText.Kernel.Geom.Rectangle specifying the acceptable positions for elements on a page |
inline |
Creates a ColumnDocumentRenderer whose elements need not be flushed immediately.
document | the Document on which this Renderer will calculate and execute element placements |
immediateFlush | whether or not to flush contents as soon as possible |
columns | an array of iText.Kernel.Geom.Rectangle specifying the acceptable positions for elements on a page |
inlinevirtual |
Gets the array index of the next area that will be written on after the current one is full (overflowed).
inlinevirtual |
Gets a new instance of this class to be used as a next renderer, after this renderer is used, if Layout(iText.Layout.Layout.LayoutContext) is called more than once.
Implements iText.Layout.Renderer.AbstractRenderer.