iText 8.0.5 API
iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField Class Reference

An AcroForm field type representing any type of choice field. More...

Inheritance diagram for iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField:
iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfObjectWrapper< PdfDictionary >

Public Member Functions

override PdfName  GetFormType ()
  Returns Ch, the form type for choice form fields. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetTopIndex (int index)
  Sets the index of the first visible option in a scrollable list. More...
virtual PdfNumber  GetTopIndex ()
  Gets the current index of the first option in a scrollable list. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetIndices (PdfArray indices)
  Sets the selected items in the field. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetListSelected (String[] optionValues)
  Highlights the options. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetListSelected (String[] optionValues, bool generateAppearance)
  Highlights the options and generates field appearance if needed. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetListSelected (int[] optionNumbers)
  Highlights the options. More...
virtual PdfArray  GetIndices ()
  Gets the currently selected items in the field More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetCombo (bool combo)
  If true, the field is a combo box; if false, the field is a list box. More...
virtual bool  IsCombo ()
  If true, the field is a combo box; if false, the field is a list box. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetEdit (bool edit)
  If true, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list; if false, it shall include only a drop-down list. More...
virtual bool  IsEdit ()
  If true, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list; if false, it shall include only a drop-down list. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetSort (bool sort)
  If true, the field's option items shall be sorted alphabetically. More...
virtual bool  IsSort ()
  If true, the field's option items shall be sorted alphabetically. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetMultiSelect (bool multiSelect)
  If true, more than one of the field's option items may be selected simultaneously; if false, at most one item shall be selected. More...
virtual bool  IsMultiSelect ()
  If true, more than one of the field's option items may be selected simultaneously; if false, at most one item shall be selected. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetSpellCheck (bool spellCheck)
  If true, text entered in the field shall be spell-checked. More...
virtual bool  IsSpellCheck ()
  If true, text entered in the field shall be spell-checked.. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField  SetCommitOnSelChange (bool commitOnSelChange)
  If true, the new value shall be committed as soon as a selection is made (commonly with the pointing device). More...
virtual bool  IsCommitOnSelChange ()
  If true, the new value shall be committed as soon as a selection is made (commonly with the pointing device). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField
  PdfFormField (PdfDictionary pdfObject)
  Creates a form field as a wrapper object around a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetValue (String value)
  Sets a value to the field and generating field appearance if needed. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetValue (String value, bool generateAppearance)
  Sets a value to the field (and fields with the same names) and generates field appearance if needed. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetValue (String value, PdfFont font, float fontSize)
  Set text field value with given font and size. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetValue (String value, String displayValue)
  Sets the field value and the display string. More...
virtual void  RemoveChild (AbstractPdfFormField fieldName)
  Removes the childField object of this field. More...
virtual void  RemoveChildren ()
  Removes all children from the current field. More...
virtual PdfArray  GetKids ()
  Gets the kids of this object. More...
virtual IList< AbstractPdfFormField GetChildFields ()
  Gets the childFields of this object. More...
virtual IList< iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField GetChildFormFields ()
  Gets all child form fields of this form field. More...
virtual IList< iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField GetAllChildFormFields ()
  Gets all childFields of this object, including the children of the children but not annotations. More...
virtual IList< AbstractPdfFormField GetAllChildFields ()
  Gets all childFields of this object, including the children of the children. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  GetChildField (String fieldName)
  Gets the child field of form field. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  AddKid (AbstractPdfFormField kid)
  Adds a new kid to the Kids array property from a AbstractPdfFormField. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  AddKid (AbstractPdfFormField kid, bool throwExceptionOnError)
  Adds a new kid to the Kids array property from a AbstractPdfFormField. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  AddKid (PdfWidgetAnnotation kid)
  Adds a new kid to the Kids array property from a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Annot.PdfWidgetAnnotation. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetFieldName (String name)
  Changes the name of the field to the specified value. More...
virtual PdfString  GetPartialFieldName ()
  Gets the current field partial name. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetAlternativeName (String name)
  Changes the alternate name of the field to the specified value. More...
virtual PdfString  GetAlternativeName ()
  Gets the current alternate name. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetMappingName (String name)
  Changes the mapping name of the field to the specified value. More...
virtual PdfString  GetMappingName ()
  Gets the current mapping name. More...
virtual bool  GetFieldFlag (int flag)
  Checks whether a certain flag, or any of a combination of flags, is set for this form field. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetFieldFlag (int flag)
  Adds a flag, or combination of flags, for the form field. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetFieldFlag (int flag, bool value)
  Adds or removes a flag, or combination of flags, for the form field. More...
virtual bool  IsMultiline ()
  If true, the field can contain multiple lines of text; if false, the field's text is restricted to a single line. More...
virtual bool  IsPassword ()
  If true, the field is intended for entering a secure password that should not be echoed visibly to the screen. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetFieldFlags (int flags)
  Sets a flag, or combination of flags, for the form field. More...
virtual int  GetFieldFlags ()
  Gets the current list of PDF form field flags. More...
virtual PdfObject  GetValue ()
  Gets the current value contained in the form field. More...
virtual String  GetValueAsString ()
  Gets the current value contained in the form field. More...
virtual String  GetDisplayValue ()
  Gets the current display value of the form field. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetDefaultValue (PdfObject value)
  Sets the default fallback value for the form field. More...
virtual PdfObject  GetDefaultValue ()
  Gets the default fallback value for the form field. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetAdditionalAction (PdfName key, PdfAction action)
  Sets an additional action for the form field. More...
virtual PdfDictionary  GetAdditionalAction ()
  Gets the currently additional action dictionary for the form field. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetOptions (PdfArray options)
  Sets options for the form field. More...
virtual PdfArray  GetOptions ()
  Gets options for the form field. More...
virtual IList< PdfWidgetAnnotation GetWidgets ()
  Gets all iText.Kernel.Pdf.Annot.PdfWidgetAnnotation that its children refer to. More...
virtual IList< PdfFormAnnotation GetChildFormAnnotations ()
  Gets all child form field's annotations PdfFormAnnotation of this form field. More...
virtual PdfFormAnnotation  GetFirstFormAnnotation ()
  Gets a single child form field's annotation PdfFormAnnotation. More...
override PdfString  GetDefaultAppearance ()
  Gets default appearance string containing a sequence of valid page-content graphics or text state operators that define such properties as the field's text size and color. More...
virtual void  UpdateDefaultAppearance ()
  Updates DA for Variable text, Push button and choice form fields. More...
virtual ? TextAlignment  GetJustification ()
  Gets a code specifying the form of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the text: 0 Left-justified 1 Centered 2 Right-justified More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetJustification (TextAlignment? justification)
  Sets a code specifying the form of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the text: 0 Left-justified 1 Centered 2 Right-justified More...
virtual PdfString  GetDefaultStyle ()
  Gets a default style string, as described in "Rich Text Strings" section of Pdf spec. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetDefaultStyle (PdfString defaultStyleString)
  Sets a default style string, as described in "Rich Text Strings" section of Pdf spec. More...
virtual PdfObject  GetRichText ()
  Gets a rich text string, as described in "Rich Text Strings" section of Pdf spec. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetRichText (PdfObject richText)
  Sets a rich text string, as described in "Rich Text Strings" section of Pdf spec. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetCheckType (CheckBoxType checkType)
  Changes the type of graphical marker used to mark a checkbox as 'on'. More...
override bool  RegenerateField ()
  This method regenerates appearance stream of the field. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetReadOnly (bool readOnly)
  Sets the ReadOnly flag, specifying whether or not the field can be changed. More...
virtual bool  IsReadOnly ()
  Gets the ReadOnly flag, specifying whether or not the field can be changed. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetRequired (bool required)
  Sets the Required flag, specifying whether or not the field must be filled in. More...
virtual bool  IsRequired ()
  Gets the Required flag, specifying whether or not the field must be filled in. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  SetNoExport (bool noExport)
  Sets the NoExport flag, specifying whether or not exporting is forbidden. More...
virtual bool  IsNoExport ()
  Gets the NoExport attribute. More...
virtual bool  IsInReadingMode ()
  Checks if the document that contains the field is created in reading mode. More...
override String[]  GetAppearanceStates ()
  Gets the appearance state names. More...
override void  Release ()
  Releases underlying pdf object and other pdf entities used by wrapper. More...
override AbstractPdfFormField  SetColor (Color color)
  Sets the text color and regenerates appearance stream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField
override PdfDictionary  GetPdfObject ()
  Gets the wrapped dictionary. More...
virtual void  SetParent (PdfFormField parent)
  Sets a parent PdfFormField for the current object. More...
virtual PdfDictionary  GetParent ()
  Gets the parent dictionary. More...
virtual PdfFormField  GetParentField ()
  Gets the parent field. More...
virtual PdfString  GetFieldName ()
  Gets the current field name. More...
virtual float  GetFontSize ()
  Gets the current fontSize of the form field. More...
virtual PdfFont  GetFont ()
  Gets the current font of the form field. More...
virtual Color  GetColor ()
  Gets the current color of the form field. More...
virtual PdfAConformanceLevel  GetPdfAConformanceLevel ()
  Gets the declared conformance level. More...
virtual IConformanceLevel  GetPdfConformanceLevel ()
  Gets the declared conformance level. More...
virtual void  DisableFieldRegeneration ()
  This method disables regeneration of the field and its children appearance stream. More...
virtual void  EnableFieldRegeneration ()
  This method enables regeneration of the field appearance stream. More...
virtual void  DisableCurrentFieldRegeneration ()
  This method disables regeneration of the current field appearance stream. More...
virtual void  EnableCurrentFieldRegeneration ()
  This method enables regeneration of the current field appearance stream and regenerates it. More...
virtual bool  IsFieldRegenerationEnabled ()
  This method checks if field appearance stream regeneration is enabled. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField  Put (PdfName key, PdfObject value)
  Inserts the value into the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary of this field and associates it with the specified key. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField  Remove (PdfName key)
  Removes the specified key from the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary of this field. More...
virtual PdfDocument  GetDocument ()
  Gets the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument that owns that form field. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField  SetFont (PdfFont font)
  Basic setter for the font property. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField  SetFontSize (float fontSize)
  Basic setter for the fontSize property. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField  SetFontSize (int fontSize)
  Basic setter for the fontSize property. More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField  SetFontSizeAutoScale ()
  Sets zero font size which will be interpreted as auto-size according to ISO 32000-1, More...
virtual iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField  SetFontAndSize (PdfFont font, float fontSize)
  Combined setter for the font and fontSize properties. More...
virtual bool  IsTerminalFormField ()
  Determines whether current form field is terminal or not. More...
override bool  Equals (Object o)
  Indicate whether some other object is "equal to" this one. More...
override int  GetHashCode ()
  Generate a hash code for this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfObjectWrapper< PdfDictionary >
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfObjectWrapper< T >  MakeIndirect (PdfDocument document, PdfIndirectReference reference)
  Marks object behind wrapper to be saved as indirect. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfObjectWrapper< T >  MakeIndirect (PdfDocument document)
  Marks object behind wrapper to be saved as indirect. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfObjectWrapper< T >  SetModified ()
virtual void  Flush ()
virtual bool  IsFlushed ()

Static Public Attributes

static readonly int  FF_COMBO = MakeFieldFlag(18)
  If true, the field is a combo box. More...
static readonly int  FF_EDIT = MakeFieldFlag(19)
  If true, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list. More...
static readonly int  FF_SORT = MakeFieldFlag(20)
  If true, the field's option items shall be sorted alphabetically. More...
static readonly int  FF_MULTI_SELECT = MakeFieldFlag(22)
  If true, more than one of the field's option items may be selected simultaneously. More...
static readonly int  FF_DO_NOT_SPELL_CHECK = MakeFieldFlag(23)
  If true, text entered in the field shall be spell-checked. More...
static readonly int  FF_COMMIT_ON_SEL_CHANGE = MakeFieldFlag(27)
  If true, the new value shall be committed as soon as a selection is made (commonly with the pointing device). More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField
static readonly int  FF_MULTILINE = MakeFieldFlag(13)
  Flag that designates, if set, that the field can contain multiple lines of text. More...
static readonly int  FF_PASSWORD = MakeFieldFlag(14)
  Flag that designates, if set, that the field's contents must be obfuscated. More...
static readonly int  FF_READ_ONLY = MakeFieldFlag(1)
  The ReadOnly flag, which specifies whether or not the field can be changed. More...
static readonly int  FF_REQUIRED = MakeFieldFlag(2)
  The Required flag, which specifies whether or not the field must be filled in. More...
static readonly int  FF_NO_EXPORT = MakeFieldFlag(3)
  The NoExport flag, which specifies whether or not exporting is forbidden. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField
const int  DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 12
  Size of text in form fields when font size is not explicitly set. More...
const int  MIN_FONT_SIZE = 4
  Minimal size of text in form fields. More...

Package Functions

  PdfChoiceFormField (PdfDocument pdfDocument)
  Creates a minimal PdfChoiceFormField. More...
  PdfChoiceFormField (PdfWidgetAnnotation widget, PdfDocument pdfDocument)
  Creates a choice form field as a parent of a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Annot.PdfWidgetAnnotation. More...
  PdfChoiceFormField (PdfDictionary pdfObject)
  Creates a choice form field as a wrapper object around a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary. More...
- Package Functions inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField
  PdfFormField (PdfDocument pdfDocument)
  Creates a minimal PdfFormField. More...
  PdfFormField (PdfWidgetAnnotation widget, PdfDocument pdfDocument)
  Creates a form field as a parent of a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Annot.PdfWidgetAnnotation. More...
- Package Functions inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField
  AbstractPdfFormField (PdfDictionary pdfObject)
  Creates a form field as a wrapper object around a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary. More...
- Package Functions inherited from iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfObjectWrapper< PdfDictionary >
  PdfObjectWrapper (T pdfObject)
virtual void  SetPdfObject (T pdfObject)
virtual void  SetForbidRelease ()
virtual void  UnsetForbidRelease ()
virtual void  EnsureUnderlyingObjectHasIndirectReference ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField
static iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField  MakeFormField (PdfObject pdfObject, PdfDocument document)
  Creates a (subtype of) PdfFormField object. More...
static AbstractPdfFormField  MakeFormFieldOrAnnotation (PdfObject pdfObject, PdfDocument document)
  Creates a (subtype of) PdfFormField or PdfFormAnnotation object depending on pdfObject. More...
static int  MakeFieldFlag (int bitPosition)
  Makes a field flag by bit position. More...
static bool  IsFormField (PdfDictionary dict)
  Checks if dictionary contains any of the form field keys. More...
static ICollection< PdfName GetFormFieldKeys ()
  Gets a set of all possible form field keys except PdfName.Parent. More...
static PdfName  GetFormType (PdfDictionary fieldDict)
  Returns the type of the form field dictionary, or of the parent object. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField
override bool  IsWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect ()
  Defines if the object behind this wrapper must be an indirect object in the resultant document. More...
- Static Package Functions inherited from iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfObjectWrapper< PdfDictionary >
static void  MarkObjectAsIndirect (PdfObject pdfObject)
static void  EnsureObjectIsAddedToDocument (PdfObject @object)
  Some wrappers use object's indirect reference to obtain the PdfDocument to which the object belongs to. More...
- Package Attributes inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField
String  text
ImageData  img
PdfFormXObject  form
NullableContainer< CheckBoxType checkType = null
- Package Attributes inherited from iText.Forms.Fields.AbstractPdfFormField
PdfFont  font
float  fontSize = -1
Color  color
PdfAConformanceLevel  pdfAConformanceLevel
IConformanceLevel  pdfConformanceLevel
PdfFormField  parent
  Parent form field. More...

Detailed Description

An AcroForm field type representing any type of choice field.

An AcroForm field type representing any type of choice field. Choice fields are to be represented by a viewer as a list box or a combo box.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PdfChoiceFormField() [1/3]

iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.PdfChoiceFormField ( PdfDocument  pdfDocument )

Creates a minimal PdfChoiceFormField.

pdfDocument The iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument instance.

◆ PdfChoiceFormField() [2/3]

iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.PdfChoiceFormField ( PdfWidgetAnnotation  widget,
PdfDocument  pdfDocument 

Creates a choice form field as a parent of a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Annot.PdfWidgetAnnotation.

widget The widget which will be a kid of the PdfChoiceFormField.
pdfDocument The iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument instance.

◆ PdfChoiceFormField() [3/3]

iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.PdfChoiceFormField ( PdfDictionary  pdfObject )

Creates a choice form field as a wrapper object around a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary.

Creates a choice form field as a wrapper object around a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary. This iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary must be an indirect object.

pdfObject the dictionary to be wrapped, must have an indirect reference.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetFormType()

override PdfName iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.GetFormType ( )

Returns Ch, the form type for choice form fields.

the form type, as a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfName

Reimplemented from iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField.

◆ GetIndices()

virtual PdfArray iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.GetIndices ( )

Gets the currently selected items in the field

a sorted array of indices representing the currently selected items in the field

◆ GetTopIndex()

virtual PdfNumber iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.GetTopIndex ( )

Gets the current index of the first option in a scrollable list.

the index of the first option, as a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfNumber

◆ IsCombo()

virtual bool iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.IsCombo ( )

If true, the field is a combo box; if false, the field is a list box.

whether or not the field is now a combo box.

◆ IsCommitOnSelChange()

virtual bool iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.IsCommitOnSelChange ( )

If true, the new value shall be committed as soon as a selection is made (commonly with the pointing device).

whether or not to save changes immediately

◆ IsEdit()

virtual bool iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.IsEdit ( )

If true, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list; if false, it shall include only a drop-down list.

If true, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list; if false, it shall include only a drop-down list. This flag shall be used only if the Combo flag is true.

whether or not there is currently an editable text box

◆ IsMultiSelect()

virtual bool iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.IsMultiSelect ( )

If true, more than one of the field's option items may be selected simultaneously; if false, at most one item shall be selected.

whether or not multiple selection is currently allowed

◆ IsSort()

virtual bool iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.IsSort ( )

If true, the field's option items shall be sorted alphabetically.

If true, the field's option items shall be sorted alphabetically. This flag is intended for use by writers, not by readers.

whether or not the items are currently sorted

◆ IsSpellCheck()

virtual bool iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.IsSpellCheck ( )

If true, text entered in the field shall be spell-checked..

whether or not PDF viewer must perform a spell check

◆ SetCombo()

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetCombo ( bool  combo )

If true, the field is a combo box; if false, the field is a list box.

combo whether or not the field should be a combo box
current PdfChoiceFormField

◆ SetCommitOnSelChange()

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetCommitOnSelChange ( bool  commitOnSelChange )

If true, the new value shall be committed as soon as a selection is made (commonly with the pointing device).

commitOnSelChange whether or not to save changes immediately
current PdfChoiceFormField

◆ SetEdit()

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetEdit ( bool  edit )

If true, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list; if false, it shall include only a drop-down list.

If true, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list; if false, it shall include only a drop-down list. This flag shall be used only if the Combo flag is true.

edit whether or not to add an editable text box
current PdfChoiceFormField

◆ SetIndices()

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetIndices ( PdfArray  indices )

Sets the selected items in the field.

indices a sorted array of indices representing selected items in the field
current PdfChoiceFormField

◆ SetListSelected() [1/3]

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetListSelected ( int[]  optionNumbers )

Highlights the options.

Highlights the options. If this method is used for Combo box, the first value in input array will be the field value

optionNumbers The option numbers
The edited PdfChoiceFormField

◆ SetListSelected() [2/3]

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetListSelected ( String[]  optionValues )

Highlights the options.

Highlights the options. If this method is used for Combo box, the first value in input array will be the field value.

optionValues Array of display values to be highlighted.
current PdfChoiceFormField.

◆ SetListSelected() [3/3]

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetListSelected ( String[]  optionValues,
bool  generateAppearance 

Highlights the options and generates field appearance if needed.

Highlights the options and generates field appearance if needed. If this method is used for Combo box, the first value in input array will be the field value

optionValues Array of options to be highlighted
generateAppearance if false, appearance won't be regenerated
current PdfChoiceFormField

◆ SetMultiSelect()

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetMultiSelect ( bool  multiSelect )

If true, more than one of the field's option items may be selected simultaneously; if false, at most one item shall be selected.

multiSelect whether or not to allow multiple selection
current PdfChoiceFormField

◆ SetSort()

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetSort ( bool  sort )

If true, the field's option items shall be sorted alphabetically.

If true, the field's option items shall be sorted alphabetically. This flag is intended for use by writers, not by readers.

sort whether or not to sort the items
current PdfChoiceFormField

◆ SetSpellCheck()

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetSpellCheck ( bool  spellCheck )

If true, text entered in the field shall be spell-checked.

spellCheck whether or not to require the PDF viewer to perform a spell check
current PdfChoiceFormField

◆ SetTopIndex()

virtual iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.SetTopIndex ( int  index )

Sets the index of the first visible option in a scrollable list.

index the index of the first option
current PdfChoiceFormField

Member Data Documentation


readonly int iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.FF_COMBO = MakeFieldFlag(18)

If true, the field is a combo box.

If true, the field is a combo box. If false, the field is a list box.


readonly int iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.FF_COMMIT_ON_SEL_CHANGE = MakeFieldFlag(27)

If true, the new value shall be committed as soon as a selection is made (commonly with the pointing device).


readonly int iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.FF_DO_NOT_SPELL_CHECK = MakeFieldFlag(23)

If true, text entered in the field shall be spell-checked.


readonly int iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.FF_EDIT = MakeFieldFlag(19)

If true, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list.

If true, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list. If false, it shall include only a drop-down list. This flag shall be used only if the Combo flag is true.


readonly int iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.FF_MULTI_SELECT = MakeFieldFlag(22)

If true, more than one of the field's option items may be selected simultaneously.

If true, more than one of the field's option items may be selected simultaneously. If false, at most one item shall be selected.


readonly int iText.Forms.Fields.PdfChoiceFormField.FF_SORT = MakeFieldFlag(20)

If true, the field's option items shall be sorted alphabetically.

If true, the field's option items shall be sorted alphabetically. This flag is intended for use by writers, not by readers.