class |
AsymmetricAlgorithmSignature |
This class allows you to sign with either an RSACryptoServiceProvider/DSACryptoServiceProvider from a X509Certificate2, or from manually created RSACryptoServiceProvider/DSACryptoServiceProvider. Depending on the certificate's CSP, sometimes you will not be able to sign with SHA-256/SHA-512 hash algorithm with RSACryptoServiceProvider taken directly from the certificate. This class allows you to use a workaround in this case and sign with certificate's private key and SHA-256/SHA-512 anyway. More...
class |
CertificateInfo |
Class containing static methods that allow you to get information from an X509 Certificate: the issuer and the subject. More...
class |
CertificateUtil |
This class contains a series of static methods that allow you to retrieve information from a Certificate. More...
class |
CertificateVerification |
This class consists of some methods that allow you to verify certificates. More...
class |
CertificateVerifier |
Superclass for a series of certificate verifiers that will typically be used in a chain. More...
class |
CrlClientOffline |
An implementation of the CrlClient that handles offline Certificate Revocation Lists. More...
class |
CrlClientOnline |
An implementation of the CrlClient that fetches the CRL bytes from an URL. More...
class |
CRLVerifier |
Class that allows you to verify a certificate against one or more Certificate Revocation Lists. More...
class |
DigestAlgorithms |
Class that contains a map with the different message digest algorithms. More...
class |
ExternalBlankSignatureContainer |
Produces a blank (or empty) signature. More...
interface |
IApplicableSignatureParams |
Extension interface of ISignatureMechanismParams that also supports applying the parameters to a iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Crypto.ISigner. More...
interface |
ICrlClient |
Interface that needs to be implemented if you want to embed Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) into your PDF. More...
interface |
IExternalSignature |
Interface that needs to be implemented to do the actual signing. More...
interface |
IExternalSignatureContainer |
Interface to sign a document. More...
interface |
IOcspClient |
Interface for the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Client. More...
interface |
ISignatureMechanismParams |
Interface to encode the parameters to a signature algorithm for inclusion in a signature object. More...
interface |
ITSAClient |
Time Stamp Authority client (caller) interface. More...
interface |
ITSAInfoBouncyCastle |
Interface you can implement and pass to TSAClientBouncyCastle in case you want to do something with the information returned More...
class |
LtvVerification |
Add verification according to PAdES-LTV (part 4). More...
class |
LtvVerifier |
Verifies the signatures in an LTV document. More...
class |
OcspClientBouncyCastle |
OcspClient implementation using BouncyCastle. More...
class |
OCSPVerifier |
Class that allows you to verify a certificate against one or more OCSP responses. More...
class |
Class containing all the OID values used by iText. More...
class |
PdfPadesSigner |
This class performs signing with PaDES related profiles using provided parameters. More...
class |
PdfPKCS7 |
This class does all the processing related to signing and verifying a PKCS#7 / CMS signature. More...
class |
PdfSignature |
Represents the signature dictionary. More...
class |
PdfSignatureApp |
A dictionary that stores the name of the application that signs the PDF. More...
class |
PdfSignatureAppearance |
Provides convenient methods to make a signature appearance. More...
class |
PdfSignatureBuildProperties |
Dictionary that stores signature build properties. More...
class |
PdfSigner |
Takes care of the cryptographic options and appearances that form a signature. More...
class |
PKCS7ExternalSignatureContainer |
class |
PrivateKeySignature |
Implementation of the IExternalSignature interface that can be used when you have a iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Crypto.IPrivateKey object. More...
class |
RootStoreVerifier |
Verifies a certificate against a KeyStore containing trusted anchors. More...
class |
RSASSAPSSMechanismParams |
Encode the signer's parameters for producing an RSASSA-PSS signature. More...
class |
SecurityIDs |
A list of IDs that are used by the security classes More...
class |
SignatureMechanisms |
Class that contains OID mappings to extract a signature algorithm name from a signature mechanism OID, and conversely, to retrieve the appropriate signature mechanism OID given a signature algorithm and a digest function. More...
class |
SignaturePermissions |
A helper class that tells you more about the type of signature (certification or approval) and the signature's DMP settings. More...
class |
SignaturePolicyInfo |
Class that encapsulates the signature policy information More...
class |
SignatureUtil |
Utility class that provides several convenience methods concerning digital signatures. More...
class |
SignerProperties |
Properties to be used in signing operations. More...
class |
SignExtensions |
class |
SignUtils |
class |
TimestampConstants |
class |
TSAClientBouncyCastle |
Time Stamp Authority Client interface implementation using Bouncy Castle org.bouncycastle.tsp package. More...
class |
VerificationException |
An exception that is thrown when something is wrong with a certificate. More...
class |
VerificationOK |
Class that informs you that the verification of a Certificate succeeded using a specific CertificateVerifier and for a specific reason. More...