iText 8.0.2 API
iText.Kernel.Utils.Annotationsflattening Namespace Reference


class   AbstractTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
  This class is used to flatten text markup annotations. More...
class   DefaultAnnotationFlattener
  This class is used to flatten annotations. More...
class   HighLightTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
  Implementation of IAnnotationFlattener for highlight text markup annotations. More...
interface   IAnnotationFlattener
  Interface for annotation flatten workers. More...
class   NotSupportedFlattener
  This class is used to warn that annotation flattening is not supported for the given annotation. More...
class   PdfAnnotationFlattenFactory
class   RemoveWithoutDrawingFlattener
  This class is used to Remove annotations without drawing them on the page content stream. More...
class   SquigglyTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
  Implementation of IAnnotationFlattener for squiggly annotations. More...
class   StrikeOutTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
  Implementation of IAnnotationFlattener for strikeout annotations. More...
class   UnderlineTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
  Implementation of IAnnotationFlattener for underline annotations. More...
class   WarnFormfieldFlattener
  This class is used to warn user that annotation will not be flattened. More...