iText 8.0.2 API
This class implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory and creates bouncy-castle classes instances. More...
Public Member Functions |
BouncyCastleFactory () | |
Creates iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory for bouncy-castle FIPS module. More... |
virtual String | GetAlgorithmOid (String name) |
Get signing algorithm oid from its name. More... |
virtual String | GetAlgorithmName (String oid) |
Get signing algorithm name from its oid. More... |
virtual IDerObjectIdentifier | CreateASN1ObjectIdentifier (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 encodable wrapper to the ASN1 object identifier wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerObjectIdentifier | CreateASN1ObjectIdentifier (String str) |
Create ASN1 Object identifier wrapper from System.String. More... |
virtual IDerObjectIdentifier | CreateASN1ObjectIdentifierInstance (Object @object) |
Create ASN1 Object identifier wrapper from System.Object using getInstance method call. More... |
virtual IAsn1InputStream | CreateASN1InputStream (Stream stream) |
Create ASN1 Input stream wrapper from System.IO.Stream. More... |
virtual IAsn1InputStream | CreateASN1InputStream (byte[] bytes) |
Create ASN1 Input stream wrapper from byte[] . More... |
virtual IAsn1OctetString | CreateASN1OctetString (IAsn1Object primitive) |
Create ASN1 Octet string wrapper from ASN1 Primitive wrapper. More... |
virtual IAsn1OctetString | CreateASN1OctetString (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to the ASN1 Octet string wrapper. More... |
virtual IAsn1OctetString | CreateASN1OctetString (IAsn1TaggedObject taggedObject, bool b) |
Create ASN1 Octet string wrapper from ASN1 Tagged object wrapper and boolean parameter. More... |
virtual IAsn1OctetString | CreateASN1OctetString (byte[] bytes) |
Create ASN1 Octet string wrapper from byte[] . More... |
virtual IAsn1Sequence | CreateASN1Sequence (Object @object) |
Cast System.Object to ASN1 Sequence wrapper. More... |
virtual IAsn1Sequence | CreateASN1Sequence (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 encodable wrapper to the ASN1 Sequence wrapper. More... |
virtual IAsn1Sequence | CreateASN1Sequence (byte[] array) |
Create ASN1 Sequence wrapper from byte[] . More... |
virtual IAsn1Sequence | CreateASN1SequenceInstance (Object @object) |
Create ASN1 Sequence wrapper from System.Object using getInstance method call. More... |
virtual IDerSequence | CreateDERSequence (IAsn1EncodableVector encodableVector) |
Create DER Sequence wrapper from ASN1 Encodable vector wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerSequence | CreateDERSequence (IAsn1Object primitive) |
Create DER Sequence wrapper from ASN1 Primitive wrapper. More... |
virtual IAsn1TaggedObject | CreateASN1TaggedObject (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Create ASN1 Tagged object wrapper from ASN1 Encodable wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerInteger | CreateASN1Integer (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Integer wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerInteger | CreateASN1Integer (int i) |
Create ASN1 Integer wrapper from int . More... |
virtual IDerInteger | CreateASN1Integer (IBigInteger i) |
Create ASN1 Integer wrapper from iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Math.IBigInteger. More... |
virtual IAsn1Set | CreateASN1Set (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Set wrapper. More... |
virtual IAsn1Set | CreateASN1Set (Object encodable) |
Create ASN1 Set wrapper from System.Object. More... |
virtual IAsn1Set | CreateASN1Set (IAsn1TaggedObject taggedObject, bool b) |
Create ASN1 Set wrapper from ASN1 Tagged object wrapper and boolean parameter. More... |
virtual IAsn1Set | CreateNullASN1Set () |
Create ASN1 Set wrapper which will store null . More... |
virtual IDerOutputStream | CreateASN1OutputStream (Stream stream) |
Create ASN1 Output stream wrapper from System.IO.Stream. More... |
virtual IDerOutputStream | CreateASN1OutputStream (Stream outputStream, String asn1Encoding) |
Create ASN1 Output stream wrapper from System.IO.Stream and ASN1 Encoding. More... |
virtual IDerOctetString | CreateDEROctetString (byte[] bytes) |
Create DER Octet string wrapper from byte[] . More... |
virtual IDerOctetString | CreateDEROctetString (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to DER Octet string wrapper. More... |
virtual IAsn1EncodableVector | CreateASN1EncodableVector () |
Create ASN1 Encodable wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IDerNull | CreateDERNull () |
Create DER Null wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IDerTaggedObject | CreateDERTaggedObject (int i, IAsn1Object primitive) |
Create DER Tagged object wrapper from int value and ASN1 Primitive wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerTaggedObject | CreateDERTaggedObject (bool b, int i, IAsn1Object primitive) |
Create DER Tagged object wrapper from int value, boolean value and ASN1 Primitive wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerSet | CreateDERSet (IAsn1EncodableVector encodableVector) |
Create DER Set wrapper from ASN1 Encodable vector wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerSet | CreateDERSet (IAsn1Object primitive) |
Create DER Set wrapper from ASN1 Primitive wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerSet | CreateDERSet (ISignaturePolicyIdentifier identifier) |
Create DER Set wrapper from signature policy identifier wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerSet | CreateDERSet (IRecipientInfo recipientInfo) |
Create DER Set wrapper from recipient info wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerEnumerated | CreateASN1Enumerated (int i) |
Create ASN1 Enumerated wrapper from int value. More... |
virtual IAsn1Encoding | CreateASN1Encoding () |
Create ASN1 Encoding without parameters. More... |
virtual IAttributeTable | CreateAttributeTable (IAsn1Set unat) |
Create attribute table wrapper from ASN1 Set wrapper. More... |
virtual IPkcsObjectIdentifiers | CreatePKCSObjectIdentifiers () |
Create PKCS Object identifiers wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IAttribute | CreateAttribute (IDerObjectIdentifier attrType, IAsn1Set attrValues) |
Create attribute wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and ASN1 Set wrapper. More... |
virtual IContentInfo | CreateContentInfo (IAsn1Sequence sequence) |
Create content info wrapper from ASN1 Sequence wrapper. More... |
virtual IContentInfo | CreateContentInfo (IDerObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier, IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Create content info wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and ASN1 Encodable wrapper. More... |
virtual ISigningCertificate | CreateSigningCertificate (IAsn1Sequence sequence) |
Create signing certificate wrapper from ASN1 Sequence wrapper. More... |
virtual ISigningCertificateV2 | CreateSigningCertificateV2 (IAsn1Sequence sequence) |
Create signing certificate version 2 wrapper from ASN1 Sequence wrapper. More... |
virtual IBasicOcspResponse | CreateBasicOCSPResponse (IAsn1Object primitive) |
Create basic OCSP Response wrapper from ASN1 Primitive wrapper. More... |
IBasicOcspResponse | CreateBasicOCSPResponse (object response) |
virtual IOcspObjectIdentifiers | CreateOCSPObjectIdentifiers () |
Create OCSP Object identifiers wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IAlgorithmIdentifier | CreateAlgorithmIdentifier (IDerObjectIdentifier algorithm) |
Create algorithm identifier wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper. More... |
virtual IAlgorithmIdentifier | CreateAlgorithmIdentifier (IDerObjectIdentifier algorithm, IAsn1Encodable parameters) |
Create algorithm identifier wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and ASN1 Encodable wrapper. More... |
virtual IRsassaPssParameters | CreateRSASSAPSSParams (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Create a RSASSA-PSS params wrapper from an ASN1 Encodable wrapper. More... |
virtual IRsassaPssParameters | CreateRSASSAPSSParamsWithMGF1 (IDerObjectIdentifier digestAlgoOid, int saltLen, int trailerField) |
Create a RSASSA-PSS params wrapper from a digest algorithm OID, a salt length and a trailer field length. The mask generation function will be set to MGF1, and the same digest algorithm will be used to populate the MGF parameters. More... |
virtual String | GetProviderName () |
Get System.String which represents providers name for this factory. More... |
virtual ICertID | CreateCertificateID () |
Create certificate ID wrapper without parameters. More... |
IX509Extensions | CreateExtensions (IDictionary objectIdentifier) |
Create extensions wrapper from System.Collections.IDictionary. More... |
virtual IX509Extensions | CreateExtensions () |
Create extensions wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IOcspReqGenerator | CreateOCSPReqBuilder () |
Create OCSP Req builder wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual ISigPolicyQualifierInfo | CreateSigPolicyQualifierInfo (IDerObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier, IDerIA5String @string) |
Create sig policy qualifier info wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and DERIA5 String wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerStringBase | CreateASN1String (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 String wrapper. More... |
virtual IAsn1Object | CreateASN1Primitive (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Primitive wrapper. More... |
IOcspResponse | CreateOCSPResponse (byte[] bytes) |
Create OCSP Resp wrapper from byte[] value. More... |
virtual IOcspResponse | CreateOCSPResponse () |
Create OCSP Resp wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IOcspResponse | CreateOCSPResponse (IOcspResponseStatus respStatus, IResponseBytes responseBytes) |
Create OCSP Response wrapper from OCSP Response status wrapper and response bytes wrapper. More... |
IOcspResponse | CreateOCSPResponse (int respStatus, Object response) |
Create OCSP Response wrapper from int value and System.object More... |
virtual IResponseBytes | CreateResponseBytes (IDerObjectIdentifier asn1ObjectIdentifier, IDerOctetString derOctetString) |
Create response bytes wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and DER Octet string wrapper. More... |
virtual IOcspResponseStatus | CreateOCSPResponseStatus (int status) |
Create OCSP Response status wrapper from int value. More... |
virtual IOcspResponseStatus | CreateOCSPResponseStatus () |
Create OCSP Response status wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual ICertStatus | CreateCertificateStatus () |
Create certificate status wrapper without parameters. More... |
IRevokedCertStatus | CreateRevokedStatus (ICertStatus certificateStatus) |
Create revoked status wrapper from certificate status wrapper. More... |
virtual IRevokedCertStatus | CreateRevokedStatus (DateTime date, int i) |
Create revoked status wrapper from System.DateTime and int value. More... |
virtual IAsn1Object | CreateASN1Primitive (byte[] array) |
Create ASN1 Primitive wrapper from byte[] value. More... |
virtual IDerIA5String | CreateDERIA5String (IAsn1TaggedObject taggedObject, bool b) |
Create DERIA5 String wrapper from ASN1 Tagged object wrapper and boolean value. More... |
virtual IDerIA5String | CreateDERIA5String (String str) |
Create DERIA5 String wrapper from System.String value. More... |
virtual ICrlDistPoint | CreateCRLDistPoint (Object @object) |
Create CRL Dist point wrapper from System.Object. More... |
virtual IDistributionPointName | CreateDistributionPointName () |
Create distribution point name wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IGeneralNames | CreateGeneralNames (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to general names wrapper. More... |
virtual IGeneralName | CreateGeneralName () |
Create general name wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IOtherHashAlgAndValue | CreateOtherHashAlgAndValue (IAlgorithmIdentifier algorithmIdentifier, IAsn1OctetString octetString) |
Create other hash alg and value wrapper from algorithm identifier wrapper and ASN1 Octet string wrapper. More... |
virtual ISignaturePolicyId | CreateSignaturePolicyId (IDerObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier, IOtherHashAlgAndValue algAndValue) |
Create signature policy id wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and other hash alg and value wrapper. More... |
virtual ISignaturePolicyId | CreateSignaturePolicyId (IDerObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier, IOtherHashAlgAndValue algAndValue, params ISigPolicyQualifierInfo[] policyQualifiers) |
Create signature policy id wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper, other hash alg and value wrapper and sig policy qualifier info wrappers. More... |
virtual ISignaturePolicyIdentifier | CreateSignaturePolicyIdentifier (ISignaturePolicyId policyId) |
Create signature policy identifier wrapper from signature policy id wrapper. More... |
virtual IEnvelopedData | CreateEnvelopedData (IOriginatorInfo originatorInfo, IAsn1Set set, IEncryptedContentInfo encryptedContentInfo, IAsn1Set set1) |
Create enveloped data wrapper from originator info wrapper, ASN1 Set wrapper, encrypted content info wrapper and another ASN1 Set wrapper. More... |
virtual IRecipientInfo | CreateRecipientInfo (IKeyTransRecipientInfo keyTransRecipientInfo) |
Create recipient info wrapper from key trans recipient info wrapper. More... |
virtual IEncryptedContentInfo | CreateEncryptedContentInfo (IDerObjectIdentifier data, IAlgorithmIdentifier algorithmIdentifier, IAsn1OctetString octetString) |
Create encrypted content info wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper, algorithm identifier wrapper and ASN1 Octet string wrapper. More... |
virtual ITbsCertificateStructure | CreateTBSCertificate (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Create TBS Certificate wrapper from ASN1 Encodable wrapper. More... |
virtual IIssuerAndSerialNumber | CreateIssuerAndSerialNumber (IX500Name issuer, IBigInteger value) |
Create issuer and serial number wrapper from X500 Name wrapper and iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Math.IBigInteger. More... |
virtual IRecipientIdentifier | CreateRecipientIdentifier (IIssuerAndSerialNumber issuerAndSerialNumber) |
Create recipient identifier wrapper from issuer and serial number wrapper. More... |
virtual IKeyTransRecipientInfo | CreateKeyTransRecipientInfo (IRecipientIdentifier recipientIdentifier, IAlgorithmIdentifier algorithmIdentifier, IAsn1OctetString octetString) |
Create key trans recipient info wrapper from recipient identifier wrapper, algorithm identifier wrapper and ASN1 Octet string wrapper. More... |
virtual IOriginatorInfo | CreateNullOriginatorInfo () |
Create originator info wrapper with null value. More... |
virtual ICmsEnvelopedData | CreateCMSEnvelopedData (byte[] bytes) |
Create CMS enveloped data from byte[] value. More... |
virtual ITimeStampRequestGenerator | CreateTimeStampRequestGenerator () |
Create timestamp request generator wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual ITimeStampResponse | CreateTimeStampResponse (byte[] respBytes) |
Create timestamp response wrapper from byte[] value. More... |
virtual AbstractOcspException | CreateAbstractOCSPException (Exception e) |
Create OCSP Exception wrapper from usual System.Exception. More... |
virtual IUnknownCertStatus | CreateUnknownStatus () |
Create unknown status wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IAsn1Dump | CreateASN1Dump () |
Create ASN1 Dump wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IDerBitString | CreateASN1BitString (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Bit string wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerGeneralizedTime | CreateASN1GeneralizedTime (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Generalized time wrapper. More... |
virtual IDerUtcTime | CreateASN1UTCTime (IAsn1Encodable encodable) |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 UTC Time wrapper. More... |
virtual ITimeStampResponseGenerator | CreateTimeStampResponseGenerator (ITimeStampTokenGenerator tokenGenerator, IList algorithms) |
Create timestamp response generator wrapper from timestamp token generator wrapper and System.Collections.IList of algorithms. More... |
virtual ITimeStampRequest | CreateTimeStampRequest (byte[] bytes) |
Create timestamp request wrapper from byte[] value. More... |
ITimeStampTokenGenerator | CreateTimeStampTokenGenerator (IPrivateKey pk, IX509Certificate certificate, string allowedDigest, string policyOid) |
Create timestamp response generator wrapper from private key wrapper, X509 Certificate wrapper, System.string allowed digest and System.string policy oid. More... |
virtual IX500Name | CreateX500Name (IX509Certificate certificate) |
Create X500 Name wrapper from iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Cert.IX509Certificate. More... |
virtual IX500Name | CreateX500Name (String s) |
Create X500 Name wrapper from System.String. More... |
virtual IRespID | CreateRespID (IX500Name x500Name) |
Create resp ID wrapper from X500 Name wrapper. More... |
virtual IBasicOcspRespGenerator | CreateBasicOCSPRespBuilder (IRespID respID) |
Create basic OCSP Resp builder wrapper from resp ID wrapper. More... |
virtual IOcspRequest | CreateOCSPReq (byte[] requestBytes) |
Create OCSP Req wrapper from byte[] . More... |
virtual IX509V2CrlGenerator | CreateX509v2CRLBuilder (IX500Name x500Name, DateTime date) |
Create X509 Version 2 CRL Builder wrapper from X500 Name wrapper and System.DateTime. More... |
virtual IX509V3CertificateGenerator | CreateJcaX509v3CertificateBuilder (IX509Certificate signingCert, IBigInteger number, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, IX500Name subjectDnName, IPublicKey publicKey) |
Create Jca X509 Version 3 certificate builder wrapper from iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Cert.IX509Certificate , iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Math.IBigInteger , start System.DateTime , end System.DateTime , X500 Name wrapper and iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Crypto.IPublicKey. More... |
virtual IBasicConstraints | CreateBasicConstraints (bool b) |
Create basic constraints wrapper from boolean value. More... |
virtual IKeyUsage | CreateKeyUsage () |
Create key usage wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IKeyUsage | CreateKeyUsage (int i) |
Create key usage wrapper from int value. More... |
virtual IKeyPurposeID | CreateKeyPurposeId () |
Create key purpose id wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual IExtendedKeyUsage | CreateExtendedKeyUsage (IKeyPurposeID purposeId) |
Create extended key usage wrapper from key purpose id wrapper. More... |
virtual ISubjectPublicKeyInfo | CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo (IPublicKey publicKey) |
Create subject public key info wrapper from public key wrapper More... |
virtual ICrlReason | CreateCRLReason () |
Create CRL Reason wrapper without parameters. More... |
virtual ITstInfo | CreateTSTInfo (IContentInfo contentInfoTsp) |
Create TST Info wrapper from content info wrapper. More... |
virtual ISingleResponse | CreateSingleResp (IBasicOcspResponse basicResp) |
Create single resp wrapper from basic OCSP Response wrapper. More... |
virtual IX509Certificate | CreateX509Certificate (object obj) |
virtual IX509Certificate | CreateX509Certificate (Stream s) |
Create X509 Certificate wrapper from System.IO.Stream. More... |
IX509Crl | CreateX509Crl (Stream input) |
Create X509 Crl wrapper from System.IO.Stream. More... |
IDigest | CreateIDigest (string hashAlgorithm) |
Create digest wrapper from System.string hash algorithm. More... |
ICertID | CreateCertificateID (string hashAlgorithm, IX509Certificate issuerCert, IBigInteger serialNumber) |
Create certificate ID wrapper from System.string hash algorithm, X509 Certificate wrapper and big integer wrapper. More... |
IX500Name | CreateX500NameInstance (IAsn1Encodable issuer) |
Create X500 Name wrapper from ASN1 Encodable wrapper using getInstance call. More... |
IOcspRequest | CreateOCSPReq (ICertID certId, byte[] documentId) |
Create OCSP Req wrapper from certificate ID wrapper and byte[] document id. More... |
ISigner | CreateISigner () |
Create signer wrapper without parameters. More... |
IX509CertificateParser | CreateX509CertificateParser () |
Create X509 Certificate parser wrapper without parameters. More... |
AbstractGeneralSecurityException | CreateGeneralSecurityException (string exceptionMessage, Exception exception) |
Create general security exception wrapper from System.string exception message and System.Exception exception. More... |
AbstractGeneralSecurityException | CreateGeneralSecurityException (string exceptionMessage) |
Create general security exception wrapper from System.string exception message. More... |
AbstractGeneralSecurityException | CreateGeneralSecurityException () |
Create general security exception wrapper without parameters. More... |
IBouncyCastleTestConstantsFactory | GetBouncyCastleFactoryTestUtil () |
Get IBouncyCastleTestConstantsFactory corresponding to this IBouncyCastleFactory. More... |
IBigInteger | CreateBigInteger () |
Create big integer wrapper without parameters. More... |
IBigInteger | CreateBigInteger (int i, byte[] array) |
Create big integer wrapper from int value and byte[] array. More... |
IBigInteger | CreateBigInteger (string str) |
Create big integer wrapper from System.string value. More... |
ICipher | CreateCipher (bool forEncryption, byte[] key, byte[] iv) |
Create cipher wrapper from bool value, byte[] key and byte[] value. More... |
ICipherCBCnoPad | CreateCipherCbCnoPad (bool forEncryption, byte[] key, byte[] iv) |
Create cipher Cbc no pad wrapper from bool value, byte[] key and byte[] value. More... |
ICipherCBCnoPad | CreateCipherCbCnoPad (bool forEncryption, byte[] key) |
Create cipher Cbc no pad wrapper from bool value and byte[] key. More... |
IX509Crl | CreateNullCrl () |
Create null as iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Cert.IX509Crl object. More... |
ITimeStampToken | CreateTimeStampToken (IContentInfo contentInfo) |
Create timestamp token wrapper from content info wrapper. More... |
IRsaKeyPairGenerator | CreateRsa2048KeyPairGenerator () |
Create Rsa 2048 key pair generator wrapper without parameters. More... |
IContentSigner | CreateContentSigner (string signatureAlgorithm, IPrivateKey signingKey) |
Create content signer wrapper from System.string signature algorithm and private key wrapper. More... |
IAuthorityKeyIdentifier | CreateAuthorityKeyIdentifier (ISubjectPublicKeyInfo issuerPublicKeyInfo) |
Create authority key identifier wrapper from subject public key info wrapper. More... |
ISubjectKeyIdentifier | CreateSubjectKeyIdentifier (ISubjectPublicKeyInfo subjectPublicKeyInfo) |
Create subject key identifier from subject public key info wrapper. More... |
bool | IsNullExtension (IX509Extension ext) |
Checks if provided extension wrapper wraps null . More... |
IX509Extension | CreateExtension (bool b, IDerOctetString octetString) |
Create extension wrapper from bool value and DER Octet string wrapper. More... |
byte[] | CreateCipherBytes (IX509Certificate x509Certificate, byte[] abyte0, IAlgorithmIdentifier algorithmidentifier) |
Create byte[] cipher bytes from X509 Certificate wrapper, byte[] array and algorithm identifier wrapper. More... |
bool | IsInApprovedOnlyMode () |
Check if this bouncy-castle corresponding to this factory is in approved mode. More... |
void | IsEncryptionFeatureSupported (int encryptionType, bool withCertificate) |
Checks whether an algorithm is supported for encryption by the chosen Bouncy Castle implementation, throws an exception when not supported. |
IPemReader | CreatePEMParser (TextReader reader, char[] password) |
Create PEM Parser wrapper from System.IO.TextReader. More... |
![]() |
IBasicOcspResponse | CreateBasicOCSPResponse (Object response) |
Create basic OCSP Resp wrapper from System.Object. More... |
IX509Certificate | CreateX509Certificate (Object element) |
Cast System.Object element to iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Cert.IX509Certificate. More... |
This class implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory and creates bouncy-castle classes instances.
inline |
Creates iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory for bouncy-castle FIPS module.
inlinevirtual |
Create OCSP Exception wrapper from usual System.Exception.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create algorithm identifier wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create algorithm identifier wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and ASN1 Encodable wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Bit string wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Dump wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Encodable wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Encoding without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Enumerated wrapper from int
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Generalized time wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Input stream wrapper from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Input stream wrapper from System.IO.Stream.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Integer wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Integer wrapper from iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Math.IBigInteger.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Integer wrapper from int
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 encodable wrapper to the ASN1 object identifier wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Object identifier wrapper from System.String.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Object identifier wrapper from System.Object using getInstance
method call.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Octet string wrapper from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to the ASN1 Octet string wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Octet string wrapper from ASN1 Primitive wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Octet string wrapper from ASN1 Tagged object wrapper and boolean
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Output stream wrapper from System.IO.Stream and ASN1 Encoding.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Output stream wrapper from System.IO.Stream.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Primitive wrapper from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Primitive wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Sequence wrapper from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 encodable wrapper to the ASN1 Sequence wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast System.Object to ASN1 Sequence wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Sequence wrapper from System.Object using getInstance
method call.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 Set wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Set wrapper from ASN1 Tagged object wrapper and boolean
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Set wrapper from System.Object.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 String wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Tagged object wrapper from ASN1 Encodable wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to ASN1 UTC Time wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create attribute wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and ASN1 Set wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create attribute table wrapper from ASN1 Set wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create authority key identifier wrapper from subject public key info wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create basic constraints wrapper from boolean
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create basic OCSP Resp builder wrapper from resp ID wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create basic OCSP Response wrapper from ASN1 Primitive wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
inline |
Create big integer wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create big integer wrapper from int
value and byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create big integer wrapper from System.string value.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create certificate ID wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create certificate ID wrapper from System.string hash algorithm, X509 Certificate wrapper and big integer wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create certificate status wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create cipher wrapper from bool
value, byte[]
key and byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create byte[]
cipher bytes from X509 Certificate wrapper, byte[]
array and algorithm identifier wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create cipher Cbc no pad wrapper from bool
value and byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create cipher Cbc no pad wrapper from bool
value, byte[]
key and byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create CMS enveloped data from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create content info wrapper from ASN1 Sequence wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create content info wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and ASN1 Encodable wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create content signer wrapper from System.string signature algorithm and private key wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create CRL Dist point wrapper from System.Object.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create CRL Reason wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DERIA5 String wrapper from ASN1 Tagged object wrapper and boolean
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DERIA5 String wrapper from System.String value.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Null wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Octet string wrapper from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to DER Octet string wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Sequence wrapper from ASN1 Encodable vector wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Sequence wrapper from ASN1 Primitive wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Set wrapper from ASN1 Encodable vector wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Set wrapper from ASN1 Primitive wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Set wrapper from recipient info wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Set wrapper from signature policy identifier wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Tagged object wrapper from int
value, boolean
value and ASN1 Primitive wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create DER Tagged object wrapper from int
value and ASN1 Primitive wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create distribution point name wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create encrypted content info wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper, algorithm identifier wrapper and ASN1 Octet string wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create enveloped data wrapper from originator info wrapper, ASN1 Set wrapper, encrypted content info wrapper and another ASN1 Set wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create extended key usage wrapper from key purpose id wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create extension wrapper from bool
value and DER Octet string wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create extensions wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create extensions wrapper from System.Collections.IDictionary.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create general name wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Cast ASN1 Encodable wrapper to general names wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create general security exception wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create general security exception wrapper from System.string exception message.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create general security exception wrapper from System.string exception message and System.Exception exception.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create digest wrapper from System.string hash algorithm.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create signer wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create issuer and serial number wrapper from X500 Name wrapper and iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Math.IBigInteger.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create Jca X509 Version 3 certificate builder wrapper from iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Cert.IX509Certificate , iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Math.IBigInteger , start System.DateTime , end System.DateTime , X500 Name wrapper and iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Crypto.IPublicKey.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create key purpose id wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create key trans recipient info wrapper from recipient identifier wrapper, algorithm identifier wrapper and ASN1 Octet string wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create key usage wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create key usage wrapper from int
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create ASN1 Set wrapper which will store null
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create null
as iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Cert.IX509Crl object.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create originator info wrapper with null
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create OCSP Object identifiers wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create OCSP Req wrapper from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create OCSP Req wrapper from certificate ID wrapper and byte[]
document id.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create OCSP Req builder wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create OCSP Resp wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create OCSP Resp wrapper from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create OCSP Response wrapper from int
value and System.object
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create OCSP Response wrapper from OCSP Response status wrapper and response bytes wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create OCSP Response status wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create OCSP Response status wrapper from int
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create other hash alg and value wrapper from algorithm identifier wrapper and ASN1 Octet string wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create PEM Parser wrapper from System.IO.TextReader.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create PKCS Object identifiers wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create recipient identifier wrapper from issuer and serial number wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create recipient info wrapper from key trans recipient info wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create resp ID wrapper from X500 Name wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create response bytes wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and DER Octet string wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create revoked status wrapper from System.DateTime and int
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create revoked status wrapper from certificate status wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create Rsa 2048 key pair generator wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create a RSASSA-PSS params wrapper from an ASN1 Encodable wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create a RSASSA-PSS params wrapper from a digest algorithm OID, a salt length and a trailer field length. The mask generation function will be set to MGF1, and the same digest algorithm will be used to populate the MGF parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create signature policy id wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and other hash alg and value wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create signature policy id wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper, other hash alg and value wrapper and sig policy qualifier info wrappers.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create signature policy identifier wrapper from signature policy id wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create signing certificate wrapper from ASN1 Sequence wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create signing certificate version 2 wrapper from ASN1 Sequence wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create sig policy qualifier info wrapper from ASN1 Object identifier wrapper and DERIA5 String wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create single resp wrapper from basic OCSP Response wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create subject key identifier from subject public key info wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create subject public key info wrapper from public key wrapper
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create TBS Certificate wrapper from ASN1 Encodable wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create timestamp request wrapper from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create timestamp request generator wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create timestamp response wrapper from byte[]
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create timestamp response generator wrapper from timestamp token generator wrapper and System.Collections.IList of algorithms.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create timestamp token wrapper from content info wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create timestamp response generator wrapper from private key wrapper, X509 Certificate wrapper, System.string allowed digest and System.string policy oid.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create TST Info wrapper from content info wrapper.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create unknown status wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create X500 Name wrapper from iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Cert.IX509Certificate.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create X500 Name wrapper from System.String.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create X500 Name wrapper from ASN1 Encodable wrapper using getInstance call.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Create X509 Certificate wrapper from System.IO.Stream.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create X509 Certificate parser wrapper without parameters.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Create X509 Crl wrapper from System.IO.Stream.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Create X509 Version 2 CRL Builder wrapper from X500 Name wrapper and System.DateTime.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Get signing algorithm name from its oid.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Get signing algorithm oid from its name.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Get IBouncyCastleTestConstantsFactory corresponding to this IBouncyCastleFactory.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Get System.String which represents providers name for this factory.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Check if this bouncy-castle corresponding to this factory is in approved mode.
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.
inline |
Checks if provided extension wrapper wraps null
Implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory.