iText 7 7.1.8 API
iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils Namespace Reference


class   AccessibilityProperties
class   AccessibilityPropertiesToStructElem
class   BackedAccessibilityProperties
class   DefaultAccessibilityProperties
interface   IRoleMappingResolver
  A helper interface that facilitates roles mapping resolving for the tag structures that are defined for different PDF document specification versions. More...
class   RoleMappingResolver
class   RoleMappingResolverPdf2
class   RootTagNormalizer
class   TagReference
class   TagStructureContext
  TagStructureContext class is used to track necessary information of document's tag structure. It is also used to make some global modifications of the tag tree like removing or flushing page tags, however these two methods and also others are called automatically and are for the most part for internal usage.
There shall be only one instance of this class per PdfDocument . To obtain instance of this class use iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument.GetTagStructureContext() More...
class   TagTreePointer
  TagTreePointer class is used to modify the document's tag tree. At any given moment, instance of this class 'points' at the specific position in the tree (at the specific tag), however every instance can be freely moved around the tree primarily using MoveToKid(int) and MoveToParent() methods. For the current tag you can add new tags, modify it's role and properties, etc. Also, using instance of this class, you can change tag position in the tag structure, you can flush current tag or remove it. More...
class   WaitingTagsManager
  This class is used to manage waiting tags state. More...