iText 7 7.1.8 API
iText.IO.IOException Class Reference

Exception class for exceptions in io module. More...

Inheritance diagram for iText.IO.IOException:

Public Member Functions

  IOException (String message)
  Creates a new IOException. More...
  IOException (Exception cause)
  Creates a new IOException. More...
  IOException (String message, Object obj)
  Creates a new IOException. More...
  IOException (String message, Exception cause)
  Creates a new IOException. More...
  IOException (String message, Exception cause, Object obj)
  Creates a new instance of IOException. More...
virtual iText.IO.IOException  SetMessageParams (params Object[] messageParams)
  Sets additional params for Exception message. More...

Static Public Attributes

const String  AllFillBitsPrecedingEolCodeMustBe0 = "All fill bits preceding eol code must be 0."
const String  BadEndiannessTag0x4949Or0x4d4d = "Bad endianness tag: 0x4949 or 0x4d4d."
const String  BadMagicNumberShouldBe42 = "Bad magic number. Should be 42."
const String  BitsPerComponentMustBe1_2_4or8 = "Bits per component must be 1, 2, 4 or 8."
const String  BitsPerSample1IsNotSupported = "Bits per sample {0} is not supported."
const String  BmpImageException = "Bmp image exception."
const String  BytesCanBeAssignedToByteArrayOutputStreamOnly = "Bytes can be assigned to ByteArrayOutputStream only."
const String  BytesCanBeResetInByteArrayOutputStreamOnly = "Bytes can be reset in ByteArrayOutputStream only."
const String  CannotFind1Frame = "Cannot find {0} frame."
const String  CannotGetTiffImageColor = "Cannot get TIFF image color."
const String  CannotHandleBoxSizesHigherThan2_32 = "Cannot handle box sizes higher than 2^32."
const String  CannotInflateTiffImage = "Cannot inflate TIFF image."
const String  CannotReadTiffImage = "Cannot read TIFF image."
const String  CannotWriteByte = "Cannot write byte."
const String  CannotWriteBytes = "Cannot write bytes."
const String  CannotWriteFloatNumber = "Cannot write float number."
const String  CannotWriteIntNumber = "Cannot write int number."
const String  CcittCompressionTypeMustBeCcittg4Ccittg3_1dOrCcittg3_2d = "CCITT compression type must be CCITTG4, CCITTG3_1D or CCITTG3_2D."
const String  CharacterCodeException = "Character code exception."
const String  Cmap1WasNotFound = "The CMap {0} was not found."
const String  ColorDepthIsNotSupported = "The color depth {0} is not supported."
const String  ColorSpaceIsNotSupported = "The color space {0} is not supported."
const String  ComponentsMustBe1_3Or4 = "Components must be 1, 3 or 4."
const String  Compression1IsNotSupported = "Compression {0} is not supported."
const String  CompressionJpegIsOnlySupportedWithASingleStripThisImageHas1Strips = "Compression jpeg is only supported with a single strip. This image has {0} strips."
const String  DirectoryNumberIsTooLarge = "Directory number is too large."
const String  EolCodeWordEncounteredInBlackRun = "EOL code word encountered in Black run."
const String  EolCodeWordEncounteredInWhiteRun = "EOL code word encountered in White run."
const String  ErrorAtFilePointer1 = "Error at file pointer {0}."
const String  ErrorReadingString = "Error reading string."
const String  ErrorWithJpMarker = "Error with JP marker."
const String  ExpectedFtypMarker = "Expected FTYP marker."
const String  ExpectedIhdrMarker = "Expected IHDR marker."
const String  ExpectedJp2hMarker = "Expected JP2H marker."
const String  ExpectedJpMarker = "Expected JP marker."
const String  ExpectedTrailingZeroBitsForByteAlignedLines = "Expected trailing zero bits for byte-aligned lines"
const String  ExtraSamplesAreNotSupported = "Extra samples are not supported."
const String  FdfStartxrefNotFound = "FDF startxref not found."
const String  FirstScanlineMustBe1dEncoded = "First scanline must be 1D encoded."
const String  FontFile1NotFound = "Font file {0} not found."
const String  GifImageException = "GIF image exception."
const String  GifSignatureNotFound = "GIF signature not found."
const String  GtNotExpected = "'>' not expected."
const String  IccProfileContains0ComponentsWhileImageDataContains1Components = "ICC profile contains {0} components, while the image data contains {1} components."
const String  IllegalValueForPredictorInTiffFile = "Illegal value for predictor in TIFF file."
const String  ImageFormatCannotBeRecognized = "Image format cannot be recognized."
const String  ImageIsNotMaskYouMustCallImageDataMakeMask = "Image is not a mask. You must call ImageData#makeMask()."
const String  ImageMaskCannotContainAnotherImageMask = "Image mask cannot contain another image mask."
const String  IncompletePalette = "Incomplete palette."
const String  InvalidBmpFileCompression = "Invalid BMP file compression."
const String  InvalidCodeEncountered = "Invalid code encountered."
const String  InvalidCodeEncounteredWhileDecoding2dGroup3CompressedData = "Invalid code encountered while decoding 2D group 3 compressed data."
const String  InvalidCodeEncounteredWhileDecoding2dGroup4CompressedData = "Invalid code encountered while decoding 2D group 4 compressed data."
const String  InvalidIccProfile = "Invalid ICC profile."
const String  InvalidJpeg2000File = "Invalid JPEG2000 file."
const String  InvalidWoff2File = "Invalid WOFF2 font file."
const String  InvalidWoffFile = "Invalid WOFF font file."
const String  InvalidMagicValueForBmpFileMustBeBM = "Invalid magic value for bmp file. Must be 'BM'"
const String  InvalidTtcFile = "{0} is not a valid TTC file."
const String  IoException = "I/O exception."
const String  Jbig2ImageException = "JBIG2 image exception."
const String  Jpeg2000ImageException = "JPEG2000 image exception."
const String  JpegImageException = "JPEG image exception."
const String  MissingTagsForOjpegCompression = "Missing tag(s) for OJPEG compression"
const String  NValueIsNotSupported = "N value {1} is not supported."
const String  NotAtTrueTypeFile = "{0} is not a true type file"
const String  PageNumberMustBeGtEq1 = "Page number must be >= 1."
const String  PdfHeaderNotFound = "PDF header not found."
const String  PdfStartxrefNotFound = "PDF startxref not found."
const String  Photometric1IsNotSupported = "Photometric {0} is not supported."
const String  PlanarImagesAreNotSupported = "Planar images are not supported."
const String  PngImageException = "PNG image exception."
const String  PrematureEofWhileReadingJpeg = "Premature EOF while reading JPEG."
const String  ScanlineMustBeginWithEolCodeWord = "Scanline must begin with EOL code word."
const String  TableDoesNotExist = "Table {0} does not exist."
const String  TableDoesNotExistsIn = "Table {0} does not exist in {1}"
const String  ThisImageCanNotBeAnImageMask = "This image can not be an image mask."
const String  Tiff50StyleLzwCodesAreNotSupported = "TIFF 5.0-style LZW codes are not supported."
const String  TiffFillOrderTagMustBeEither1Or2 = "TIFF_FILL_ORDER tag must be either 1 or 2."
const String  TiffImageException = "TIFF image exception."
const String  TilesAreNotSupported = "Tiles are not supported."
const String  TransparencyLengthMustBeEqualTo2WithCcittImages = "Transparency length must be equal to 2 with CCITT images"
const String  TtcIndexDoesNotExistInThisTtcFile = "TTC index doesn't exist in this TTC file."
const String  TypeOfFont1IsNotRecognized = "Type of font {0} is not recognized."
const String  TypeOfFontIsNotRecognized = "Type of font is not recognized."
const String  UnexpectedCloseBracket = "Unexpected close bracket."
const String  UnexpectedGtGt = "Unexpected '>>'."
const String  UnknownCompressionType1 = "Unknown compression type {0}."
const String  UnknownIOException = "Unknown I/O exception."
const String  UnknownPngFilter = "Unknown PNG filter."
const String  UnsupportedBoxSizeEqEq0 = "Unsupported box size == 0."
const String  UnsupportedEncodingException = "Unsupported encoding exception."
const String  _1BitSamplesAreNotSupportedForHorizontalDifferencingPredictor = "{0} bit samples are not supported for horizontal differencing predictor."
const String  _1CorruptedJfifMarker = "{0} corrupted jfif marker."
const String  _1IsNotAValidJpegFile = "{0} is not a valid jpeg file."
const String  _1IsNotAnAfmOrPfmFontFile = "{0} is not an afm or pfm font file."
const String  _1MustHave8BitsPerComponent = "{0} must have 8 bits per component."
const String  _1NotFoundAsFileOrResource = "{0} not found as file or resource."
const String  _1UnsupportedJpegMarker2 = "{0} unsupported jpeg marker {1}."


override String  Message [get]

Detailed Description

Exception class for exceptions in io module.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IOException() [1/5]

iText.IO.IOException.IOException ( String  message )

Creates a new IOException.

message the detail message.

◆ IOException() [2/5]

iText.IO.IOException.IOException ( Exception  cause )

Creates a new IOException.

cause the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by System.Exception.InnerException() method).

◆ IOException() [3/5]

iText.IO.IOException.IOException ( String  message,
Object  obj 

Creates a new IOException.

message the detail message.
obj an object for more details.

◆ IOException() [4/5]

iText.IO.IOException.IOException ( String  message,
Exception  cause 

Creates a new IOException.

message the detail message.
cause the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by System.Exception.InnerException() method).

◆ IOException() [5/5]

iText.IO.IOException.IOException ( String  message,
Exception  cause,
Object  obj 

Creates a new instance of IOException.

message the detail message.
cause the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by System.Exception.InnerException() method).
obj an object for more details.

Member Function Documentation

◆ SetMessageParams()

virtual iText.IO.IOException iText.IO.IOException.SetMessageParams ( params Object[]  messageParams )

Sets additional params for Exception message.

messageParams additional params.
object itself.

Property Documentation

◆ Message

override String iText.IO.IOException.Message