Class CleanUpProperties


public class CleanUpProperties extends Object
Contains properties for PdfCleanUpTool operations.
  • Constructor Details

    • CleanUpProperties

      public CleanUpProperties()
      Creates default CleanUpProperties instance.
  • Method Details

    • setMetaInfo

      public void setMetaInfo (com.itextpdf.commons.actions.contexts.IMetaInfo metaInfo)
      Sets additional meta info.
      metaInfo - the meta info to set
    • isProcessAnnotations

      public boolean isProcessAnnotations()
      Check if page annotations will be processed. Default: true.
      true if annotations will be processed by the PdfCleanUpTool
    • setProcessAnnotations

      public void setProcessAnnotations (boolean processAnnotations)
      Set if page annotations will be processed. Default processing behaviour: remove annotation if there is overlap with a redaction region.
      processAnnotations - is page annotations will be processed
    • getOverlapRatio

      public Double getOverlapRatio()
      Gets the overlap ratio. This is a value between 0 and 1 that indicates how much the content region should overlap with the redaction area to be removed.
      the overlap ratio or null if it has not been set.
    • setOverlapRatio

      public void setOverlapRatio (Double overlapRatio)
      Sets the overlap ratio. This is a value between 0 and 1 that indicates how much the content region should overlap with the redaction area to be removed.

      Example: if the overlap ratio is set to 0.3, the content region will be removed if it overlaps with the redaction area by at least 30%.

      overlapRatio - The overlap ratio to set.