All Classes and Interfaces

A class that keeps common conversion properties for different office files.
The main class for converting office files to PDF.
A class that keeps conversion properties specific for office documents.
A class that keeps selected pages for office documents or presentations.
A class that keeps conversion properties specific for office presentations.
A class that keeps conversion properties specific for office sheets.
Runtime exception that gets thrown if something goes wrong in the office files to PDF conversion.
The class containing the exception messages.
Statistics aggregator which aggregates types of office files to be converted to PDF documents.
Class which represents an event for specifying type of an office file, which has been converted to PDF.
Class that bundles all the pdfOffice's error message templates as constants.
Stores an instance of ProductData related to iText pdfOffice module.
Class represents events registered in iText pdfOffice module.
Interface for sheet selectors.
Factory class for creating SheetSelector instances.