Constant Field Values
com.itextpdf.pdfocr.exceptions.PdfOcrExceptionMessageConstantModifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final String
"Cannot create PDF document: {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot read input image"
public static final String
"Cannot resolve any of provided fonts. Please check provided FontProvider."
public static final String
"Statistics event type can\'t be null"
public static final String
"Statistics event type is not detected."
public static final String
"Tagging is not supported by the OCR engine."
com.itextpdf.pdfocr.logs.PdfOcrLogMessageConstantModifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final String
"Cannot add data to PDF document: {1}"
public static final String
"Cannot default read font: {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot read input image {0}"
public static final String
"Could not find a glyph corresponding to Unicode character {0} in any of the fonts"
public static final String
"Image {0} contains {1} page(s)"
public static final String
"PDF language property is not set"
public static final String
"Provided FontProvider is invalid. Please check that it contains valid fonts and default font family name."
public static final String
"Starting ocr for {0} image(s)"
com.itextpdf.pdfocr.tesseract4.exceptions.PdfOcrTesseract4ExceptionMessageConstantModifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final String
"Cannot find path to tesseract executable."
public static final String
"Cannot read input image {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot write to file {0}: {1}"
public static final String
"{0} format is not supported."
public static final String
"{0} does not exist in {1}"
public static final String
"Provided list of languages doesn\'t contain {0} language"
public static final String
"Path to tess data should contain only ASCII characters"
public static final String
"Provided path to tess data directory does not exist or it is an invalid directory"
public static final String
"Path to tess data directory cannot be null and must be set to a valid directory"
public static final String
"Tesseract failed. Please check provided parameters"
public static final String
"Tesseract failed. Please ensure you have tesseract library installed"
public static final String
"Tesseract failed. Please ensure you have latest Visual C++ Redistributable installed"
public static final String
"Tesseract failed. Please check that tesseract is installed and provided path to tesseract executable directory is correct"
com.itextpdf.pdfocr.tesseract4.logs.Tesseract4LogMessageConstantModifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final String
"Cannot binarize image with depth {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot convert to gray image with depth {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot create a buffered image from the input image: {0}"
public static final String
"File {0} cannot be deleted: {1}"
public static final String
"Cannot get temporary directory: {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot ocr input file: {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot parse node BBox, defaults to 0, 0, 0, 0. Node: {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot process image: {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot read file {0}: {1}"
public static final String
"Cannot read image metadata {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot read input image {0}"
public static final String
"Cannot get pages from image {0}: {1}"
public static final String
"Cannot use custom user words: {0}"
public static final String
"Command failed: {0}"
public static final String
"Created temp file {0}"
public static final String
"Provided number of page ({0}) is incorrect for {1}"
public static final String
"Starting ocr for {0} image(s)"
public static final String
"Tesseract failed: {0}"
public static final String
"Unsuppoted EXIF Orientation value {0}. 1 is used by default"