All Classes and Interfaces

Tag worker class for the abbr element.
TagWorker class for a link block.
TagWorker class for the a element.
Helper class to add parsed HTML content to an existing iText document, or to parse HTML to a list of iText elements.
Class that bundles a series of attribute constants.
Utilities class to apply backgrounds.
ICssApplier implementation for Block elements.
ICssApplier implementation for Body elements.
TagWorker class for the body element.
Utilities class to apply border styles.
TagWorker class for the br element.
TagWorker class for a button element.
ICssApplier implementation for a captionelement.
TagWorker class for the caption element.
ICssApplier implementation for column groups.
TagWorker class for a column group.
Wrapper for the colgroup element.
ICssApplier implementation for columns.
TagWorker class for a column.
Wrapper for the col element.
Properties that will be used by the HtmlConverter.
Enumeration of css counter and target-counter digits glyph style.
Utilities class to process counters.
Runtime exception in case a CSS applier can't be initialized.
IElementNode implementation for content nodes.
ICssApplier implementation for linear-gradient elements in content CSS property.
Class that bundles all the CSS context properties.
Class that manages counters (e.g.
Class that manages running elements.
Helper class to analyze the CSS stylesheet, e.g.
A factory for creating ICssApplier objects.
Default implementation of the ICssResolver interface.
The default BasicFontProvider for pdfHTML, that, as opposed to the font provider in iText 7's styled-xml-parser, also includes a series of fonts that are shipped with the add-on.
The default implementation to process HTML.
The default implementation of a tag worker factory, mapping tags to tag worker implementations.
ICssApplier implementation for elements with display flex.
ITagWorker implementation for elements with display: flex.
ICssApplier implementation for table rows.
TagWorker class for a table row element.
TagWorker class for a table element.
TagWorker class for the div element.
ICssApplier implementation for Dl elements.
Utilities class to apply flex properties.
Utilities class to apply float values to elements.
Utilities class to apply font styles.
Utilities class that resolves form field names.
ICssApplier implementation for hr elements.
TagWorker class for the hr element.
Runtime exception that gets thrown if something goes wrong in the HTML to PDF conversion.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Set of constants that will be used as keys to get and set properties.
The HtmlConverter is the class you will use most when converting HTML to PDF.
This class is a wrapper on Document, which is the default root element while creating a self-sufficient PDF.
The DocumentRenderer class for HTML.
Class to store metaInfo that will be used for html operations.
The HTML implementation of an AreaBreak.
Enumeration of the HTML page break types.
Extends ResourceResolver to also support SVG images
ICssApplier implementation for Html elements.
TagWorker class for the html element.
Utilities class with HTML-related functionality.
The Class HyphenationApplierUtil.
Interface to be implemented by all types of CSS appliers.
ICssApplierFactory interface is used for instantiating new ICssApplier objects.
Interface for those TagWorker implementations that deal with tags that can have a display value.
Interface for classes that can process HTML to PDF in the form of a PdfDocument or a list of IElement objects.
TagWorker class for the img element.
TagWorker class for the input element.
Interface for all the tag worker implementations.
ITagWorkerFactory interface is used for instantiating new ITagWorker objects.
Interface for all the element wrapper classes (such as SpanWrapper, TableWrapper,...).
This class keeps track of information regarding link (destinations) that occur in the document.
Helper class for links.
TagWorker class for the link element.
Utilities class to apply list styles to an element.
ICssApplier implementation for Li elements.
TagWorker class for the li element.
Utilities class to apply margins.
TagWorker class for the meta element.
TagWorker class for the object element.
Utilities class to apply opacity.
TagWorker class for the optgroup element.
TagWorker class for the option element.
Utilities class to apply orphans and widows properties.
A OutlineHandler handles creating outlines for tags.
Utilities class to apply overflow.
Utilities class to apply a padding.
Utilities class to apply page breaks.
Text implementation to be used for the page count.
ICustomElementNode implementation for a page count element node.
Enumeration of page count types.
TagWorker class for the page count.
ICssApplier implementation for page margin box containers.
TagWorker class for the page margin box.
Wrapper INode serving as a placeholder for running element.
Text implementation to be used for the page target-counter.
JsoupElementNode implementation for page target-counters.
Stores an instance of ProductData related to iText pdfHTML module.
Class represents events registered in iText pdfHTML module.
ICssApplier implementation for input's placeholder.
TagWorker class for the input's placeholder.
Utilities class to apply a position.
TagWorker class for the pre element.
Keeps track of the context of the processor.
Class that creates ProcessorContext with IMetaInfo.
TagWorker class for the p element.
Utilities class that resolves radio's checked property value.
Helper class to keep track of the current column / row position in a table.
An IElement that serves as a placeholder for removed running element from the normal flow.
A wrapper for the running elements taken out of the normal flow.
TagWorker class for the running elements taken out of the normal flow.
TagWorker class for the select element.
ICssApplier implementation for Span elements.
TagWorker class for the span tag.
Wrapper for the span element.
State machine to push, pop, peek,...
Utilities class to get widths and mapping related to columns and column groups as stated in paragraph 17.3 of
Utility class for handling operations related to SVG
TagWorker class for the svg element.
TagWorker class for the footer of a table.
TagWorker class for the header of a table.
Wrapper for the tr element.
ICssApplier implementation for table elements.
TagWorker class for the table element.
Wrapper for the table element.
Class that bundles a series of tag constants.
Class that allows to map keys (html tags, css attributes) to the corresponding tag processors (a tag worker or a CSS applier).
Runtime exception that gets thrown if a tag worker can't be initialized.
ICssApplier implementation for Td elements.
TagWorker class for the td element.
TagWorker class for the textarea element.
TagWorker class for the title element.
Utility class to trim content.
ICssApplier implementation for Tr elements.
TagWorker class for the tr element.
ICssApplier implementation for Ul en Ol elements.
TagWorker class for the ul and ol elements.
Utilities class to apply vertical alignment values.
Helper class for waiting column groups.
Helper class for waiting inline elements.
Utilities class to apply a width or a height to an element.