Interface | Description |
IDisplayAware |
Interface for those TagWorker implementations that deal with tags that can have a display value.
Class | Description |
AbbrTagWorker |
Tag worker class for the abbr element.
ABlockTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a link block.
ATagWorker |
TagWorker class for the a element.
BodyTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the body element.
BrTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the br element.
ButtonTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a button element.
CaptionTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the caption element.
ColgroupTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a column group.
ColTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a column.
DisplayFlexTagWorker |
ITagWorker implementation for elements with display: flex .
DisplayTableRowTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a table row element.
DisplayTableTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a table element.
DivTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the div element.
HrTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the hr element.
HTagWorker | |
HtmlTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the html element.
ImgTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the img element.
InputTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the input element.
LinkTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the link element.
LiTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the li element.
MetaTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the meta element.
ObjectTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the object element.
OptGroupTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the optgroup element.
OptionTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the option element.
PageCountWorker |
TagWorker class for the page count.
PageMarginBoxWorker |
TagWorker class for the page margin box.
PlaceholderTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the input 's placeholder.
PreTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the pre element.
PTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the p element.
RunningElementTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the running elements taken out of the normal flow.
SelectTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the select element.
SpanTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the span tag.
SvgTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the svg element.
TableFooterTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the footer of a table.
TableHeaderTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the header of a table.
TableTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the table element.
TdTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the td element.
TextAreaTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the textarea element.
ThTagWorker | |
TitleTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the title element.
TrTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the tr element.
UlOlTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the ul and ol elements.
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