All Classes and Interfaces

Common abstract parent for all possible results.
Class which represents data field result.
Enum which specifies the file type.
Class representing font metadata.
Enum representing possible font styles.
Class representing single group result's entry.
Class which represents group results.
Class which represents image result.
Exception which is used by pdf2data on recognition result parsing for invalid result structure.
Exception class for invalid segment.
Base interface for ocr post processors.
Engine which will apply post processors (if present) to results of base ocr engine.
Class representing page location metadata.
Pdf2DataExtractor is a class for extracting data from files.
Class for Microsoft TATR models initializing.
Contains methods for creating p2dta.
Enum which specifies the preprocessing type.
The RecognitionProperties class represents properties of recognition.
Class which represents recognition result.
Recognition result holder with methods to operate with the results.
The SerializationProperties class represents properties of serialization.
Class which represents single table cell result.
Class which represents table result.
Class which represents table row result.
Engine which uses Tesseract4LibOcrEngine as based ocr engine.
Builder for Tesseract4BasedEngine.
Class representing text result.
Class which representing unknown result type.