Class LicenseKeyReportingConfigurer


public final class LicenseKeyReportingConfigurer extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • useRemoteReporting

      public static void useRemoteReporting()
      Select remote reporting type in which events are sent over the web to a remote server.
    • useLocalReporting

      public static void useLocalReporting (String directoryToWritePath)
      Select local reporting type with specified root directory for generated reports.
      directoryToWritePath - the path to local directory for writing reports. If it is null, then System property, or System environment variable will be used.
      IllegalArgumentException - in case of invalid directory path
    • resetApiConfiguration

      public static void resetApiConfiguration()
      Reset API configuration. Can be used to use environment variables or default logic after API use.
    • getReportingType

      public static com.itextpdf.licensing.base.licensefile.ReportingType getReportingType()
    • getLocalFileRootDir

      public static String getLocalFileRootDir()
    • isStatisticsEnabledForProduct

      public static boolean isStatisticsEnabledForProduct (String productName)
      Checks if statistics are enabled for such productName.
      productName - name of the product for which to check if statistics are enabled
      true if statistics are enabled, false otherwise
    • overrideStatisticsSendingForProduct

      public static void overrideStatisticsSendingForProduct (String productName, boolean sendStatistics)
      Enables or disables statistics for provided product. By default the value from license file will be taken.
      productName - name of the product for which enable or disable statistics
      sendStatistics - true to enable statistics, false otherwise