Interface ISvgProcessor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ISvgProcessor
Interface for SVG processors. Processors take the root INode that corresponds to a Svg element and return a ISvgNodeRenderer that serves as the root for the same SVG
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    process(INode root, ISvgConverterProperties converterProps)
    Process an SVG, returning the root of a renderer-tree and a list of named objects wrapped in a processor result object
  • Method Details

    • process

      ISvgProcessorResult process (INode root, ISvgConverterProperties converterProps) throws SvgProcessingException
      Process an SVG, returning the root of a renderer-tree and a list of named objects wrapped in a processor result object
      root - Root of the INode representation of the SVG
      converterProps - configuration properties
      root of the renderer-tree representing the SVG wrapped in {link ISvgProcessorResult}
      SvgProcessingException - throws an exception if the root node is null or if the child node being processed is null