Interface IElementNode

All Superinterfaces:
IAttributesContainer, INameContainer, INode, IStylesContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:
ICustomElementNode, IDocumentNode
All Known Implementing Classes:
CssPseudoElementNode, JsoupDocumentNode, JsoupElementNode, PageMarginBoxContextNode

public interface IElementNode extends INode, IStylesContainer, IAttributesContainer, INameContainer
Interface for node classes that have a parent and children, and for which styles can be defined; each of these nodes can also have a name and attributes.
  • Method Details

    • getAdditionalHtmlStyles

      List<Map<String,String>> getAdditionalHtmlStyles()
      Gets additional styles, more specifically styles that affect an element based on its position in the HTML DOM, e.g. cell borders that are set due to the parent table "border" attribute, or styles from "col" tags that affect table elements, or blocks horizontal alignment that is the result of parent's "align" attribute.
      the additional html styles
    • addAdditionalHtmlStyles

      void addAdditionalHtmlStyles (Map<String,String> styles)
      Adds additional HTML styles.
      styles - the styles
    • getLang

      String getLang()
      Gets the language.
      the language value