Class CssGradientUtil


public final class CssGradientUtil extends Object
Utilities class for CSS gradient functions parsing.
  • Method Details

    • isCssLinearGradientValue

      public static boolean isCssLinearGradientValue (String cssValue)
      Checks whether the provided value is a linear gradient or repeating linear gradient function. This method does not check the validity of arguments list.
      cssValue - the value to check
      true if the provided argument is the linear gradient or repeating linear gradient function (even if the arguments list is invalid)
    • parseCssLinearGradient

      public static StrategyBasedLinearGradientBuilder parseCssLinearGradient (String cssGradientValue, float emValue, float remValue)
      Parses the provided linear gradient or repeating linear gradient function
      cssGradientValue - the value to parse
      emValue - the current element's em value
      remValue - the current element's rem value
      the StrategyBasedLinearGradientBuilder constructed from the parsed linear gradient or null if the argument value is not a linear gradient or repeating linear gradient function
      StyledXMLParserException - if the provided argument is a linear gradient or repeating linear gradient function, but the arguments list is invalid