Package com.itextpdf.kernel.geom

package com.itextpdf.kernel.geom
  • Class
    The AffineTransform class represents an affine transformation, which is a combination of linear transformations such as translation, scaling, rotation, and shearing which allows preservation of the straightness of lines.
    Represents a Bezier curve.
    Represents segment from a PDF path.
    Represents a line.
    Represents a line segment in a particular coordinate system.
    Keeps all the values of a 3 by 3 matrix and allows you to do some math with matrices.
    Paths define shapes, trajectories, and regions of all sorts.
    Class that represent point object with x and y coordinates.
    Class that represent rectangle object.
    Public helper class for transforming segments and paths.
    As subpath is a part of a path comprising a sequence of connected segments.
    Represents a vector (i.e.