Class CjkResourceLoader


public final class CjkResourceLoader extends Object
This class is responsible for loading and handling CJK fonts and CMaps from font-asian package.
  • Method Details

    • isPredefinedCidFont

      public static boolean isPredefinedCidFont (String fontName)
      Checks if the font with the given name and encoding is one of the predefined CID fonts.
      fontName - the font name.
      true if it is CJKFont.
    • getCompatibleCidFont

      public static String getCompatibleCidFont (String cmap)
      Finds a CJK font family which is compatible to the given CMap.
      cmap - a name of the CMap for which compatible font is searched.
      a CJK font name if there's known compatible font for the given cmap name, or null otherwise.
    • getCompatibleCmaps

      public static Set<String> getCompatibleCmaps (String fontName)
      Finds all CMap names that belong to the same registry to which a given font belongs.
      fontName - a name of the font for which CMap's are searched.
      a set of CMap names corresponding to the given font.
    • getAllPredefinedCidFonts

      public static Map<String,Map<String,Object>> getAllPredefinedCidFonts()
      Get all loaded predefined CID fonts.
      predefined CID fonts.
    • getRegistryNames

      public static Map<String,Set<String>> getRegistryNames()
      Get all loaded CJK registry names mapped to a set of compatible cmaps.
      CJK registry names mapped to a set of compatible cmaps.
    • getCid2UniCmap

      public static CMapCidUni getCid2UniCmap (String uniMap)
      Parses CMap with a given name producing it in a form of cid to unicode mapping.
      uniMap - a CMap name. It is expected that CMap identified by this name defines unicode to cid mapping.
      an object for convenient mapping from cid to unicode. If no CMap was found for provided name an exception is thrown.
    • getUni2CidCmap

      public static CMapUniCid getUni2CidCmap (String uniMap)
      Parses CMap with a given name producing it in a form of unicode to cid mapping.
      uniMap - a CMap name. It is expected that CMap identified by this name defines unicode to cid mapping.
      an object for convenient mapping from unicode to cid. If no CMap was found for provided name an exception is thrown.
    • getByte2CidCmap

      public static CMapByteCid getByte2CidCmap (String cmap)
      Parses CMap with a given name producing it in a form of byte to cid mapping.
      cmap - a CMap name. It is expected that CMap identified by this name defines byte to cid mapping.
      an object for convenient mapping from byte to cid. If no CMap was found for provided name an exception is thrown.
    • getCidToCodepointCmap

      public static CMapCidToCodepoint getCidToCodepointCmap (String cmap)
      Parses CMap with a given name producing it in a form of cid to code point mapping.
      cmap - a CMap name. It is expected that CMap identified by this name defines code point to cid mapping.
      an object for convenient mapping from cid to code point. If no CMap was found for provided name an exception is thrown.
    • getCodepointToCidCmap

      public static CMapCodepointToCid getCodepointToCidCmap (String uniMap)
      Parses CMap with a given name producing it in a form of code point to cid mapping.
      uniMap - a CMap name. It is expected that CMap identified by this name defines code point to cid mapping.
      an object for convenient mapping from code point to cid. If no CMap was found for provided name an exception is thrown.