Class DrawingUtil


public class DrawingUtil extends Object
Utility class to draw form fields PdfFormField.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected static final String
    protected static final String
    protected static final String
    protected static final String
    protected static final String
    protected static final String
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    drawCircle(PdfCanvas canvas, float centerX, float centerY, float radius)
    Draws a circle with the specified radius.
    static void
    drawCross(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float borderWidth)
    Draws a cross with the specified width and height.
    static void
    drawPdfACheck(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
    Draws a PDF A compliant check mark in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfACheck(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
    Draws a PDF A compliant check mark in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfACircle(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
    Draws a PDF A compliant circle in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfACircle(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
    Draws a PDF A compliant circle in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfACross(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
    Draws a PDF A compliant cross in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfACross(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
    Draws a PDF A compliant cross in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfADiamond(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
    Draws a PDF A compliant diamond in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfADiamond(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
    Draws a PDF A compliant diamond in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfASquare(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
    Draws a PDF A compliant square in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfASquare(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
    Draws a PDF A compliant square in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfAStar(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
    Draws a PDF A compliant star in the specified rectangle.
    static void
    drawPdfAStar(PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
    Draws a PDF A compliant star in the specified rectangle.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DrawingUtil

      public DrawingUtil()
  • Method Details

    • drawPdfACheck

      public static void drawPdfACheck (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
      Draws a PDF A compliant check mark in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
      moveX - the x coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
      moveY - the y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
    • drawPdfACheck

      public static void drawPdfACheck (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
      Draws a PDF A compliant check mark in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
    • drawPdfACircle

      public static void drawPdfACircle (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
      Draws a PDF A compliant circle in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
      moveX - the x coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
      moveY - the y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
    • drawPdfACircle

      public static void drawPdfACircle (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
      Draws a PDF A compliant circle in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
    • drawPdfACross

      public static void drawPdfACross (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
      Draws a PDF A compliant cross in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
      moveX - the x coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
      moveY - the y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
    • drawPdfACross

      public static void drawPdfACross (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
      Draws a PDF A compliant cross in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
    • drawPdfADiamond

      public static void drawPdfADiamond (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
      Draws a PDF A compliant diamond in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
      moveX - the x coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
      moveY - the y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
    • drawPdfADiamond

      public static void drawPdfADiamond (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
      Draws a PDF A compliant diamond in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
    • drawPdfASquare

      public static void drawPdfASquare (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
      Draws a PDF A compliant square in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
      moveX - the x coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
      moveY - the y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
    • drawPdfASquare

      public static void drawPdfASquare (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
      Draws a PDF A compliant square in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
    • drawPdfAStar

      public static void drawPdfAStar (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float moveX, float moveY)
      Draws a PDF A compliant star in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
      moveX - the x coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
      moveY - the y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
    • drawPdfAStar

      public static void drawPdfAStar (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height)
      Draws a PDF A compliant star in the specified rectangle.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
    • drawCross

      public static void drawCross (PdfCanvas canvas, float width, float height, float borderWidth)
      Draws a cross with the specified width and height.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      width - the width of the rectangle
      height - the height of the rectangle
      borderWidth - the width of the border
    • drawCircle

      public static void drawCircle (PdfCanvas canvas, float centerX, float centerY, float radius)
      Draws a circle with the specified radius.
      canvas - the canvas to draw on
      centerX - the x coordinate of the center of the circle
      centerY - the y coordinate of the center of the circle
      radius - the radius of the circle