Interface IASN1GeneralizedTime

All Superinterfaces:
IASN1Encodable, IASN1Primitive
All Known Implementing Classes:
ASN1GeneralizedTimeBC, ASN1GeneralizedTimeBCFips

public interface IASN1GeneralizedTime extends IASN1Primitive
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1GeneralizedTime that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Calls actual getDate method for the wrapped ASN1GeneralizedTime object.

    Methods inherited from interface com.itextpdf.commons.bouncycastle.asn1.IASN1Encodable

    isNull, toASN1Primitive

    Methods inherited from interface com.itextpdf.commons.bouncycastle.asn1.IASN1Primitive

    getEncoded, getEncoded
  • Method Details

    • getDate

      Date getDate() throws ParseException
      Calls actual getDate method for the wrapped ASN1GeneralizedTime object.
      Date date stored in the wrapped ASN1GeneralizedTime.
      ParseException - in case of some parsing error.