Package com.itextpdf.forms.xfdf

package com.itextpdf.forms.xfdf
  • Class
    Represent Action tag in xfdf document structure.
    Represents annotation, a child element of annots tag in Xfdf document structure.
    Represent annots tag in xfdf document structure.
    Represents the attribute of any XFDF element.
    Represents the BorderStyleAlt element, a child of the link element.
    Represents Dest element, a child of the link, GoTo, and GoToR elements.
    Represents encoding attribute of data or resource elements (children of fileattachment and sound elements).
    Represents the field element, a child of the fields and field elements.
    Represents the fields element, a child of the xfdf element and is the container for form field elements.
    Represent Fit, a child of the Dest element.
    Represents f element, child of the xfdf element.
    Represents ids element, child of the xfdf element.
    Represents the mode attribute of data and resource elements.
    Class containing constants to be used in XFDF processing.
    Represents xfdf element, the top level element in an xfdf document.