Gets Dest, inner element of link, GoTo, and GoToR elements.
Gets Dest element, a child element of link, GoTo, GoToR elements.
Sets the Fit element, a child of the Dest element.
Gets the FitB element, a child of the Dest element.
Gets the FitBH element, a child of the Dest element.
Sets the FitBV element, a child of the Dest element.
Sets the FitH element, a child of the Dest element.
Sets the FitR element, a child of the Dest element.
Sets the FitV element, a child of the Dest element.
Sets the Name attribute of Named element, a child of Dest element.
Sets the XYZ element, a child of the Dest element.
Sets Dest, inner element of link, GoTo, and GoToR elements.
Sets Dest element, a child element of link, GoTo, GoToR elements.