Interface ITSAInfoBouncyCastle

public interface ITSAInfoBouncyCastle
Interface you can implement and pass to TSAClientBouncyCastle in case you want to do something with the information returned
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    inspectTimeStampTokenInfo(org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampTokenInfo info)
    When a timestamp is created using TSAClientBouncyCastle, this method is triggered passing an object that contains info about the timestamp and the time stamping authority.
  • Method Details

    • inspectTimeStampTokenInfo

      void inspectTimeStampTokenInfo (org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampTokenInfo info)
      When a timestamp is created using TSAClientBouncyCastle, this method is triggered passing an object that contains info about the timestamp and the time stamping authority.
      info - a TimeStampTokenInfo object