Class SecurityHandler

Direct Known Subclasses:
PubKeySecurityHandler, StandardSecurityHandler

public abstract class SecurityHandler extends Object
  • Field Details

    • mkey

      protected byte[] mkey
      The global encryption key
    • nextObjectKey

      protected byte[] nextObjectKey
      The encryption key for a particular object/generation. It is recalculated with setHashKeyForNextObject(int,int) for every object individually based in its object/generation.
    • nextObjectKeySize

      protected int nextObjectKeySize
      The encryption key length for a particular object/generation It is recalculated with setHashKeyForNextObject(int,int) for every object individually based in its object/generation.
    • md5

      protected MessageDigest md5
    • extra

      protected byte[] extra
      Work area to prepare the object/generation bytes
  • Constructor Details

    • SecurityHandler

      protected SecurityHandler()
  • Method Details

    • setHashKeyForNextObject

      public void setHashKeyForNextObject (int objNumber, int objGeneration)
      Note: For most of the supported security handlers algorithm to calculate encryption key for particular object is the same.
      objNumber - number of particular object for encryption
      objGeneration - generation of particular object for encryption
    • getEncryptionStream

      public abstract OutputStreamEncryption getEncryptionStream (OutputStream os)
    • getDecryptor

      public abstract IDecryptor getDecryptor()