Class BarcodeDataMatrix


public class BarcodeDataMatrix extends Barcode2D
  • Field Details


      public static final int DM_NO_ERROR
      No error.
      See Also:

      public static final int DM_ERROR_TEXT_TOO_BIG
      The text is too big for the symbology capabilities.
      See Also:

      public static final int DM_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE
      The dimensions given for the symbol are illegal.
      See Also:

      public static final int DM_ERROR_EXTENSION
      An error while parsing an extension.
      See Also:
    • DM_AUTO

      public static final int DM_AUTO
      The best encodation will be used.
      See Also:
    • DM_ASCII

      public static final int DM_ASCII
      ASCII encodation.
      See Also:
    • DM_C40

      public static final int DM_C40
      C40 encodation.
      See Also:
    • DM_TEXT

      public static final int DM_TEXT
      TEXT encodation.
      See Also:
    • DM_B256

      public static final int DM_B256
      Binary encodation.
      See Also:
    • DM_X12

      public static final int DM_X12
      X12 encodation.
      See Also:

      public static final int DM_EDIFACT
      EDIFACT encodation.
      See Also:
    • DM_RAW

      public static final int DM_RAW
      No encodation needed. The bytes provided are already encoded.
      See Also:

      public static final int DM_EXTENSION
      Allows extensions to be embedded at the start of the text.
      See Also:
    • DM_TEST

      public static final int DM_TEST
      Doesn't generate the image but returns all the other information.
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_DATA_MATRIX_ENCODING
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BarcodeDataMatrix

      public BarcodeDataMatrix()
      Creates an instance of this class.
    • BarcodeDataMatrix

      public BarcodeDataMatrix (String code)
    • BarcodeDataMatrix

      public BarcodeDataMatrix (String code, String encoding)
  • Method Details

    • getBarcodeSize

      public Rectangle getBarcodeSize()
      Description copied from class: Barcode2D
      Gets the maximum area that the barcode and the text, if any, will occupy. The lower left corner is always (0, 0).
      Specified by:
      getBarcodeSize in class Barcode2D
      the size the barcode occupies.
    • placeBarcode

      public Rectangle placeBarcode (PdfCanvas canvas, Color foreground)
      Description copied from class: Barcode2D
      Places the barcode in a PdfCanvas. The barcode is always placed at coordinates (0, 0). Use the translation matrix to move it elsewhere.
      Specified by:
      placeBarcode in class Barcode2D
      canvas - the PdfCanvas where the barcode will be placed
      foreground - the foreground color. It can be null
      the dimensions the barcode occupies
    • createFormXObject

      public PdfFormXObject createFormXObject (Color foreground, PdfDocument document)
      Description copied from class: Barcode2D
      Creates a PdfFormXObject with the barcode.
      Specified by:
      createFormXObject in class Barcode2D
      foreground - The color of the pixels. It can be null
      document - The document
      the XObject.
    • createFormXObject

      public PdfFormXObject createFormXObject (Color foreground, float moduleSide, PdfDocument document)
      Creates a PdfFormXObject with the barcode with given module width and module height.
      foreground - The color of the pixels. It can be null
      moduleSide - The side (width and height) of the pixels.
      document - The document
      the XObject.
    • placeBarcode

      public Rectangle placeBarcode (PdfCanvas canvas, Color foreground, float moduleSide)
    • createAwtImage

      public Image createAwtImage (Color foreground, Color background)
      Creates a java.awt.Image. A successful call to the method generate() before calling this method is required.
      foreground - the color of the bars
      background - the color of the background
      the image
    • getBarcodeSize

      public Rectangle getBarcodeSize (float moduleHeight, float moduleWidth)
      Gets the barcode size
      moduleHeight - The height of the module
      moduleWidth - The width of the module
      The size of the barcode
    • setCode

      public int setCode (String text)
      Creates a barcode. The String is interpreted with the ISO-8859-1 encoding
      text - the text
      the status of the generation. It can be one of this values: DM_NO_ERROR - no error.
      DM_ERROR_TEXT_TOO_BIG - the text is too big for the symbology capabilities.
      DM_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE - the dimensions given for the symbol are illegal.
      DM_ERROR_EXTENSION - an error was while parsing an extension.
    • setCode

      public int setCode (byte[] text, int textOffset, int textSize)
      Creates a barcode.
      text - the text
      textOffset - the offset to the start of the text
      textSize - the text size
      the status of the generation. It can be one of this values: DM_NO_ERROR - no error.
      DM_ERROR_TEXT_TOO_BIG - the text is too big for the symbology capabilities.
      DM_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE - the dimensions given for the symbol are illegal.
      DM_ERROR_EXTENSION - an error was while parsing an extension.
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Gets the height of the barcode. Will contain the real height used after a successful call to generate(). This height doesn't include the whitespace border, if any.
      the height of the barcode
    • setHeight

      public void setHeight (int height)
      Sets the height of the barcode. If the height is zero it will be calculated. This height doesn't include the whitespace border, if any. The allowed dimensions are (width, height):

      10, 10
      12, 12
      18, 8
      14, 14
      32, 8
      16, 16
      26, 12
      18, 18
      20, 20
      36, 12
      22, 22
      36, 16
      24, 24
      26, 26
      48, 16
      32, 32
      36, 36
      40, 40
      44, 44
      48, 48
      52, 52
      64, 64
      72, 72
      80, 80
      88, 88
      96, 96
      104, 104
      120, 120
      132, 132
      144, 144

      height - the height of the barcode
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      Gets the width of the barcode. Will contain the real width used after a successful call to generate(). This width doesn't include the whitespace border, if any.
      the width of the barcode
    • setWidth

      public void setWidth (int width)
      Sets the width of the barcode. If the width is zero it will be calculated. This width doesn't include the whitespace border, if any. The allowed dimensions are (width, height):

      10, 10
      12, 12
      18, 8
      14, 14
      32, 8
      16, 16
      26, 12
      18, 18
      20, 20
      36, 12
      22, 22
      36, 16
      24, 24
      26, 26
      48, 16
      32, 32
      36, 36
      40, 40
      44, 44
      48, 48
      52, 52
      64, 64
      72, 72
      80, 80
      88, 88
      96, 96
      104, 104
      120, 120
      132, 132
      144, 144

      width - the width of the barcode
    • getWs

      public int getWs()
      Gets the whitespace border around the barcode.
      the whitespace border around the barcode
    • setWs

      public void setWs (int ws)
      Sets the whitespace border around the barcode.
      ws - the whitespace border around the barcode
    • getOptions

      public int getOptions()
      Gets the barcode options.
      the barcode options
    • setOptions

      public void setOptions (int options)
      Sets the options for the barcode generation. The options can be:

      One of:
      DM_AUTO - the best encodation will be used
      DM_ASCII - ASCII encodation
      DM_C40 - C40 encodation
      DM_TEXT - TEXT encodation
      DM_B256 - binary encodation
      DM_X12 - X12 encodation
      DM_EDIFACT - EDIFACT encodation
      DM_RAW - no encodation. The bytes provided are already encoded and will be added directly to the barcode, using padding if needed. It assumes that the encodation state is left at ASCII after the last byte.

      One of:
      DM_EXTENSION - allows extensions to be embedded at the start of the text:

      exxxxxx - ECI number xxxxxx
      m5 - macro 5
      m6 - macro 6
      f - FNC1
      saabbccccc - Structured Append, aa symbol position (1-16), bb total number of symbols (2-16), ccccc file identification (0-64515)
      p - Reader programming
      . - extension terminator

      Example for a structured append, symbol 2 of 6, with FNC1 and ECI 000005. The actual text is "Hello".


      One of:
      DM_TEST - doesn't generate the image but returns all the other information.

      options - the barcode options
    • setEncoding

      public void setEncoding (String encoding)
      setting encoding for data matrix code ( default encoding iso-8859-1)
      encoding - encoding for data matrix code
    • getEncoding

      public String getEncoding()